Pre-ordered Samurai 908 case

Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
man I'm really excited about this case! I remember I was going to get the NZXT guardian but I totally changed my mind when I saw this case. The release for the risingred version of the case comes out July 20th. I've already pre-ordered ($149.99 w/o shipping) mine and I can't wait!

check it

I'm sorry but my fav. colors are red and black, it'll match my keyboard? lol everything else is beige :(
nice case, i just hate mid towers, i always get full towers they feel more..."powerful" :-D but really sexy case none the less :thumbs:
yeah it's nice but I don't have much, just a 56x cd rom and soon to be CD-RW (maybe a DVD/CD-RW combo) and a floppy disk drive...not much and I don't plan on upgrading or adding anything cept maybe a fan controller.

Oh yeah hey guinny did you read my last post? I didn't mean to make fun of ya man, sorries :(
Not to my taste - but I hope you like it :)
Lots of companies are going after the alienware design now.
It looks cool but it's way too expensive. Doesn't even have a power supply.
Oh yeah hey guinny did you read my last post? I didn't mean to make fun of ya man, sorries :(

yea no biggie its all gravy. :thumbs: :cheers:
cool beans :) yeah I'm sorry I've always been a "big looks" kinda person. True, for that price I think some kinda decent PSU would be in there but it's not, sports the 120mm fan spots though, I think it looks nice
nothing really spectacular about it I'll agree but it looks good and the only thing (I think) worth mentioning are the 2 120mm fans in it, that's about it
I like a more professional-looking case... but not so much that it's boring. :P
looks very nice, but i dont think id pay that much for it. id get a crappy case with the best power supply i could get :)