Predator + Alien = dreadlock alien rasta


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

I guess a rapper came out of the predator at the end of AVP...
If anyone I know ever suggests I should watch this movie, they are getting punched in the gut.
I just love how they've been shitting on two of the greatest sci-fi/horror franchises.

If only Hollywood didn't cater to 13 year olds with ADHD. This movie might have turned into something watchable.
who didnt see that coming?

even in the game there was one but looked more original

this is crappy cuz is just a alien whit rastas,though from what I know thats how the alien reproductive stuff work like the one in the 3 that walks in 4 doors and stuff so is kind of fatefull in some way
I love how shit the PredAlien looks. Should have used the one from AVP: Extinction (no matter how shit the game was) or AVP 2.
this thread said:
FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put some goddamned lasers on it's head now! That's the only way this can get better! :D :D :D :D
*sigh* we all knew this day would come..
*grabs rifle*
c'mon boy, c'mon Darkside.. We're goin out back..
Are we going outside to get the lasers? The predalien needs its lasers!

And maybe a cloaking device...hey, do you think it can fly a ship? That'd be totally awesome if it flew a ship. A ship with dreadlocks. And lasers.
Darkside has been inhaling too much smoke...
they Ruined it!!! it looks like a 9 year olds idea of what it would look like
Im going to see it dont know when but i will. The gore and action looked good, thats all i care for in a movie like this.

I know its going to be crap other wise btw.
I was actually feeling kinda hopeful after the first trailer. Then I saw that predalien :(
And here dies the Alien franchise.
Move on, there is nothing to see.