Predict Companies Making Games in the Next 5 Years (Apple? Dell? Starbucks?!?)


Aug 29, 2003
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Exactly what the title says: What Companies do YOU see making games and opening up their own software/hardware branch of video gaming in the next 5 years?

Here are my guesses:
Apple: This is inevitable. They've conquered almost every other form of entertainment except for maybe films, but that's inevitable too. Sooner or later they'll realize that putting hardcore and casual games on Mac products, including the iPod and iPhone will increase their sales even more.

Google: They have the cash and expertise to do it, so why not? They've done maps, office suites, email, and a PayPal competitor. They have more servers than God. What's to stop them from making an MMO? Or a PSN type game that connects people. In-game ads? I can almost see the evil grin on their faces.

Yahoo!: Yahoo!'s in trouble, and a possible strategy will have them diversifying across all tech platforms. They have a gaming site, and they may one day use it as a springboard to hawk their own hardcore and casual games. Did I mention that they already have online casual games (Poker, Chess, Pool) with millions of players? Why not bring it over to the consoles? Or make an MMO that's compatible with their social services?

Dell: They have the hardware, all they need is the software. The best way to push hardware? Make a Crysis-like game optimized for the Dell XPS line and bundle it. Of course, if Intel or AMD follow suit, I wouldn't blame them. Why pay game devs to optimize the game for YOUR system if you can do it yourselves?

Starbucks: What? Would you have believed me if I told you 3 years ago that they'd sell exclusive music CD's and teddy bears? The best thing Starbucks has done is put up wireless in their cafes, bringing in more laptops, and don't forget cellphones. What's one way to keep people in the cafe? Playing casual games on those laptops. Make SBUX a "hook-up" spot with the next MMO or Second Life. Sure, they won't be making the next Gears of War, but I wouldn't have said they'd sell Paul McCartney either.

Las Vegas Sands:
So what if you can't go to Las Vegas or Macau to get your gambling fix. No problem! Through your console, cellphone, laptop, desktop, you can now connect to a virtual casino floor LIVE and play all the games with fake or real money against players around the world! Think PartyPoker with DirectX 10 and you get the idea. And what's to stop Sands, Wynn, or MGM from facing virtual players against players actually on the floor? Did I also mention they have money? And that gamers now will one day grow up to have things called credit cards?
Shit, after Burger King, anything is possible...
They will prolly make a game that takes the piss out of PC users (suprise, eh?). They just can`t seem to stfu, like the PC users can.
You will only be able to play the game with the latest Mac which, suprise suprise, comes out at the same exact day. Sorta like Vista with Halo 2 n shit.