Predictions on GameSpot's rating?



Considering that GameSpot is the #1 gaming source I trust for fair reviews, what do you guys think they will rate Half Life 2? I think it's going to get a 9.7.

Do you think they'll give it a 10?
9.7...or 9.6.

I doubt it will get a 10, but I really hope so.

-0.3 for "awkward vehicle controls" :hmph:
I wonder if Gamespot went to valve's office to play the game. Anyone knows?

Anyway, i predict a 9.7.

whoever wins gets a million dollars
9.6 + Editor's Choice, I expect.

However, recently GameSpot has been disappointing to me in their reviews.
I'm guessing around about 9.5-9.6.

Depends if this rumour we've heard about possible HL2 multiplayer is true or not. If it is true, and it's really good, it could be 9.7 or 9.8.

One of their complaints WILL be "doesn't have original multiplayer".

below 9.6, means HALFLIFE2 got owned by HALO2
If it can go above 9.4 then it'll definitely cause uproar in the Halo 2 community. Which considering current attitudes thats exactly what we're after :afro:

But their best score is 9.6 so I assume it'll be that.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
When is this review supposed to come out?
Probably won't be for some days after the release. It'll be like what they did with Doom 3 "we don't want to rush in an give a review without fully savouring the game, so we'll post our gameplay log and impressions as we go, and then once we've finished the game and have had time to reflect, we'll post the full review".

Thus, Doom 3 got 8.5 and not a 9+ score like it might of if they'd rushed the review.
Gamespot would never give such a high score to a PC game.

Their highest to a PC game is Diablo = 9.6

I'm expecting a 9.0
Rossell said:
But their best score is 9.6 so I assume it'll be that.

Actually I think Gamespot gave Tony Hawk 3 a perfect 10.....
The highest score to a PC game is 9.6, to Diablo.

Console games have gotten many 10s.

(Tony hawk, Zelda oot, soul calibur, chrono cross)
I can guarantee a 9.7. And GameSpot usually puts out the reviews the day of the release of the game; same with IGN.
No, it was some ridicilous cosole title to get the only Gamespot's 10 ever.

HL2 will probably score 10 in all categories except gameplay which they will give a 9. Why? Because they always do - they'll say that vehicle contols, AI or something else is a gameplay flaw.
They gave 9.6 to Diablo, and then gave Diablo 2 8.5. Sometimes the reviewers seem to be very biased - D2 deserved more around a 9.0 I believe.

Even if they didn't like it so much themselves, it's popularity on reflects the mood of the general public, and I believe that reviews should also try and give people an idea of what other, average-gamers rate a game.
FFS, GregK is reviewing this game.

He'll cut marks for replayability, graphics and sound FOR SURE. He's a really toughy.

I stick with what I said. HL2 will get 9.0
Prolly a 7.3 just to watch the entire Valve community grab torches and pitchforks ;P

I can see it in the Newspaper now.

"Angry mob of Computer Gamers burn down popular internet site headquaters after bad review"

Thanks :p
Well for the graphics, the only real competitors are Doom 3 and Far Cry.

I believe it will probably get a 10 for gameplay. Far Cry got 9 whereas Doom 3 got 8. HL2 will have many different styles of gameplay - vehicles, physics fights and lots of street fights etc. Lowest it can realistically get is a 9, and perhaps a 10.

Greg reviewd Doom 3 and gave it 10 for graphics, and some guy called Jason gave Far Cry a 10 for graphics too. So HL2 will get 9 or 10 for graphics.

Sound is a big mystery really. Probably a 9 here.

Value - depends whether it comes with a true HL2 MP or not (Doom 3 and Far Cry both had some simple themed MPs, if HL2 has one it'll get a solid 9, if it has a great one it might get a 10). I'm picking probably a 9 for this one.

Tilt - This is a stupid category IMO and just comes down to what they think, impossible to really predict, but at least a 9.

So we get from this:

Five 9's for lowest score = 9


Three 9's and two 10's = 9.4


One 9 (sound) and four 10's = 9.8

Looking at that, it's probably reasonable to expect around 9.4 ish. The big wildcard is this possible HL2 multiplayer rumour.
I predict 8.7.

Gamespot is always one to "keep it real" even if the game deserves a higher score.