Preferred method for closing programs in Windows

How do you most often close that program?

  • Double Click Application Icon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • File + Exit/Close with Mouse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Application Icon + Close with Keyboard

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Space Core
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
...there's not much more to it than that, I'm wondering what the most common option used for closing a program* in Windows is (in case it's different than what I'd expect). It's probably a mix of various options, so post them in order of use in your reply. For example, here's mine:

File + Exit/Close with Keyboard (specifically: Alt+ up arrow x2 + Enter)
Alt + F4 (more of a reach so slower, but still keyboard oriented)
Right-click Taskbar Button + Close (bigger target = easier to hit quickly)
Click Close button
Double click application icon (quaint)

*Program with standard window/menu structure. Some programs have odd GUIs, and don't lend themselves to standard methods.
You seriously go through the file menu? I dont think I have ever seen anyone do that, ever.

I click the X button or right click the taskbar entry. Whichever one my mouse happens to be closer to. And obviously if i have a window maximized and want to close other ones, I go through the taskbar rather than switching to that window and then closing it.

EDIT: Why isnt this poll multi-choice? I refuse to participate if I cannot accurately vote!
why the **** over all these years has ctrl + w/q not been incorporated in every single app like it is in apple's OS for almost 2 decades now? it's annoying when entire app suites that are multiplatform have it in one platform and not another.
^@krynn same basically

Sometimes I'll do an alt f4 if I want to be an elite hacker.
I've just realised I almost unfailingly right click things on the taskbar to close them, and I'm not sure why.
Alt F4 mostly.

Also, I didn't know about the double clicking icon way until now! And I always assumed I knew Windows very well :(
Open console > type quit.

90% click close, 10% alt f4. Mostly based around what I'm doing. I use keyboard short-cuts more when I'm having a good day. Just freestylin'
You seriously go through the file menu? I dont think I have ever seen anyone do that, ever.
I rarely use the mouse when navigating Windows, unless the GUI demands it, and I have that key pattern in muscle memory. Try it, and see how fast you can actually pull off the Alt, tap the up arrow twice, and enter (and compare it to how long it takes to move your hand to the mouse and get to the close button).
EDIT: Why isnt this poll multi-choice? I refuse to participate if I cannot accurately vote!
It isn't multi choice so I can see only the most preferred method, you're supposed to do the multi-selection routine (where you can elaborate) in your post.

edit -
Open console > type quit.

90% click close, 10% alt f4. Mostly based around what I'm doing. I use keyboard short-cuts more when I'm having a good day. Just freestylin'
Console + Quit? What's that?
I rarely use the mouse when navigating Windows, unless the GUI demands it, and I have that key pattern in muscle memory. Try it, and see how fast you can actually pull off the Alt, tap the up arrow twice, and enter (and compare it to how long it takes to move your hand to the mouse and get to the close button).
It isn't multi choice so I can see only the most preferred method, you're supposed to do the multi-selection routine (where you can elaborate) in your post.

edit - Console + Quit? What's that?

I don't know, with people who've played a shit ton of FPS's like Counter-Strike, moving the mouse quickly to the X is kind of habit and not too difficult when done quickly.

Also, especially when my windows are maximized, you can just throw the mouse to the top right and click, knowing it will close.
If I have 1 window open then I click the X.

If it is behind window(s) I right-click it in the task bar and close. (voted for since I do it the most)

I Alt-F4 a browser or explorer window if it is in front when I have a full-screen game in the background. If I go for the X I might miss and click the game and I 'lost' the window. If I right click on the bar, same thing. Since the app is in front I know it is highlighted and by not using the mouse there is no chance my in-game crosshair will move when the game comes up front.
right click taskbar + close

Usually I'm closing things I don't have open
(like porn)
ctr-alt-del and close the process... EVERY TIME.
Really? Did you have a bad experience? You avatar makes your post even funnier.
Either click the X, right click on the taskbar then close, or CTRL+ALT+DELETE>processes>end process.

EDIT: Hi-five raz
Also, especially when my windows are maximized, you can just throw the mouse to the top right and click, knowing it will close.

I do this. Except my computer at work has multiple monitors so I always end up flying into the other monitor.
I click X or hover the mouse over the icon (windows 7) and click the preview with my Scroll button to close shit. Use Taskmanager if its ****ed.
Bashing my head into the keyboard until it has closed is a personal favorite. I'll do it the regular way most of the time though.
Close butan.

I occasionally right click the process in the task bar to close if it's obscured by another window or is freezing up or something (the "end process" thing seems to come up quicker by doing it this way).

Non-windowed programs, I always try to exit through their menus. If not, alt-f4. If not, crt+alt+del. If not, computer out window, cry deeply.
Let me enlighten you all with saying that in Windows 7, you can middle-mouse click on the Aero preview thingy to close the window, or on the icon in the taskbar to launch a new process. It can be pretty handy when you have a lot of windows open of the same application.
Good to know - that may replace the right-click + Close for me when using the taskbar to close programs.