Premium bonds.


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
I was just checking mine and my sister's premium bonds today. Has anyone from the UK ever won anything from these? If so how much?

For those who don't know, Premium Bonds are little £1 certificates that you can buy either as a single, or as a whole set (Up to £30,000 worth can be held by any one person). There are monthly draws where 2 people win £1,000,000, 6 people are eligable for £10,000 and so on. (Page of High Value winners for the month:

Me and my sister were bought 10 £1 tickets when we were born, and have yet to win anything. I think England residents are more eligable than Wales and Scotland unfortunately.
Oh, Little fun fact: Someone from Shropshire bought 4 tickets in 1969, and this Month has won £10,000 - Luckiest person ever?

Post your experiences here.
Yeah, at some point I'm going to put in £10 I think, but I have none right now.
Think i have some, but being Welsh i am obviously discriminated against by the English meaning i get no chance of winning :(
Kangy said:
Yeah, at some point I'm going to put in £10 I think, but I have none right now.
I think it's worth it since the minimum you can win is £50. Only thing is I don't know how likely it is that you'll be picked up any time soon. Most of the people winning seem to have bought them Years ago. could be a sort of "We won't check for new bonders, just search the backlog" kind of deal.

Evo said:
Think i have some, but being Welsh i am obviously discriminated against by the English meaning i get no chance of winning :(
Heh yeah that's generally the case. I don't think anyone this month from Wales has won anything decent. It's a shame really.
I won £1,000,000 once.

But then I woke up. I also then realized I lived in the united states, not the United Kingdom.
I have £50 worth of bonds, and I've won £50 once. :farmer:arnt i the lucky one:farmer:
Llama said:
I have £50 worth of bonds, and I've won £50 once. :farmer:arnt i the lucky one:farmer:
You can tell me then, does winning just use up one bond or does it use up all the bonds that you owned in the same group?
Like if I bought another £10 worth of Bonds, and won something, would I have 19 bonds left, or 10 bonds (From my other group that I got when I was born) ?
Are those like, platunim peices?
OvA said:
Are those like, platunim peices?
Not quite as valuable on their own no. Anyone over 16 can buy them for £1. I might buy £50's worth at some point, just to increase my chances.
Raziaar said:
I won £1,000,000 once.

But then I woke up. I also then realized I lived in the united states, not the United Kingdom.

Don't worry Raziarr, one day you might wake up £1,000,000 richer and living in England :O . Dreams can come true.
Razor said:
Don't worry Raziarr, one day you might wake up £1,000,000 richer and living in England :O . Dreams can come true.
Not stupid ones though...
dekstar said:
You can tell me then, does winning just use up one bond or does it use up all the bonds that you owned in the same group?
Like if I bought another £10 worth of Bonds, and won something, would I have 19 bonds left, or 10 bonds (From my other group that I got when I was born) ?

IIRC, you keep the bonds even if you win. So, the more you have, you more likely you are to make that money back. Still unlikely though :cat: