preorder confusion


Jul 7, 2003
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Been thinking about preordering but if there will be 3 different Half Life 2 cd formats, which one will i get when i preorder? I want the DVD version but how do i preorder that one? Any ideas guys? Couldn't find any thread related...:dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork:
Dvd I heard is the collectors edition, no word on when it will be available though. Thats last I heard anyways.
If u pre-order a version it'll be the normal single/multiplayer game (on CD)

The collectors version won't come out until a bit later (the DVD version) just so they can milk hardcore fans.

The cheapo crappy SP only version will just be available from walmart style stores... Don't worry, you won't be pre-ordering this unless it specifically specifies it's this version.
If you pre order then you get the special collectors edition and a little Gordon Freeman figure takeing a piss.
Why do you want to pre-order a game when you dont even know when it's coming out?

Im buying it in a shop, even when i have to camp out on the doorstep for a night.

hmmm, a nice quiet evening in my tent, butane-kooking gear, 3 can's "o" beeans and my laptop.

Sweeeet relaxation.
Originally posted by csmighty
Been thinking about preordering but if there will be 3 different Half Life 2 cd formats, which one will i get when i preorder? I want the DVD version but how do i preorder that one? Any ideas guys? Couldn't find any thread related...:dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork:

to make things less confusing for myself, heres what i did:

when i went to pre-order HL2 (some time around the confusion of different versions) and asked which version would i be getting and the response i got was one i liked..

something along the lines of.. "u will get the version u want assuming there are different versions.. we give customers that pre-order the choice of versions so if theres a SP/MP version and a collectors edition, we will keep 1 of both for u"

now maybe thats bad business for them, (holding 2 copies of the game)but hey im gonna be picking up my copy of the game the day its released and im sure others are too so all in all.. im not confused about anything.

as for DVD/collectors edition coming out later.. well in that case, every hardcore HL fan will already have the version of the game they want.. and well if they are hardcore enough, they will shell out the moolah for the collectors edition later on..

if ur pre-ordering ur copy, a good thing to do is to ask which copy is being pre-ordered here.. and so as long as u get to choose, u should be fine
If you pre order then you get the special collectors edition and a little Gordon Freeman figure takeing a piss.

Originally posted by AnRowan
Whered u preorder dr. freeman?

i pre-ordered from the local Compucentre.

if u have a location near u, still talk to the salesguy and make sure that store's policy is the same as the one i pre-ordered from, better to be safe than sorry.

edit: check out this url.. Compucentre website

its probably better going to the local store tho..
Originally posted by Sp00fman
Why do you want to pre-order a game when you dont even know when it's coming out?

Im buying it in a shop, even when i have to camp out on the doorstep for a night.

hmmm, a nice quiet evening in my tent, butane-kooking gear, 3 can's "o" beeans and my laptop.

Sweeeet relaxation.

why not preorder and avoid missing out on the game for a week or so, if you preorder you can (usually) go in and grab the game,

(the only time i've ever seen something go wrong was with vice-city and that was because the publisher held back some copies, and everyone wanted it.)

also, you can preorder at EB Games, Funcoland, software etc. also blockbuster i think has a pre-order program now, but probably not for PC games.
"Olde English" style of spelling "center," I believe... o_O
I pre-ordered HL2 at EB games around the start of september. They only had 1 SKU (i think thats the correct initials) at $99 (Aus). I gave them a call later in the week when i heard about 3 differenbt version comming out, they said just gives us a call a few day before the release date and we can change ur pre-order for the colectors edition, or whatever u want.
Originally posted by Skammich
also, you can preorder at EB Games, Funcoland, software etc. also blockbuster i think has a pre-order program now, but probably not for PC games.

Those still exist?

Originally posted by Zeus
What in the name of God is a centre?

it is the proper English spelling, not any of this center, color nonsense

It would be so good if HL2 just turned up oneday........

........sifting through the post one morning: bills, junk mail, HL2, letter from gran..........HALFLIFE 2 WOOOOOOO :bounce:

.........walking round town, peruse into game, checkout new releases: call of duty, Hidden and dangerous 2, Half Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2004......HOLD UP.....HALF LIFE 2 WOOOOOOOO :bounce:

be so cool....different anyways, HL2 the surprise you cant wait for..... it VALVe and soon - well as soon as you fellas ready...
Originally posted by Raptor_995
It would be so good if HL2 just turned up oneday........

........sifting through the post one morning: bills, junk mail, HL2, letter from gran..........HALFLIFE 2 WOOOOOOO :bounce:

.........walking round town, peruse into game, checkout new releases: call of duty, Hidden and dangerous 2, Half Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2004......HOLD UP.....HALF LIFE 2 WOOOOOOOO :bounce:

be so cool....different anyways, HL2 the surprise you cant wait for..... it VALVe and soon - well as soon as you fellas ready...


Unfortunately you will find about any kind of release a week beforehand unless you lose your ISP and don't go past any computer shops.
Theres no point in me preordering Hl2 in my store.

i would still have to go into town and pick it up.

might as well just check their site and go in on the day.
But if you preorder it you're pretty much guaranteed a copy on the release date, and the store (EB in my case) holds a copy for you for up to 48h after release. If you just decide to walk in the store one day they may all be gone...
Your best bet is to pre-order when you find out when the release date is confirmed. Its the only way I have found to ensure that your copy of the game is there. I have gone to pick up a game/DVD on more than one occasion without pre-ordering it and have been told that they cannot sell it to me, as they are either sold out or all the copies are preorderd.

Its your risk...
Originally posted by stigmata
But if you preorder it you're pretty much guaranteed a copy on the release date, and the store (EB in my case) holds a copy for you for up to 48h after release. If you just decide to walk in the store one day they may all be gone...

never in my 10 years of gaming EVER has my local store EVER ran out of a game i wanted.


i seriously think your all on dope if you think HL2 is gonna clear off the shelves in between when the store opens and i wander in to get a copy.
alot of people are probably going to preorder the game, because they will buy the 9800xt, 9600xt, or aiw 9600pro
Originally posted by pHATE1982
If u pre-order a version it'll be the normal single/multiplayer game (on CD)

The collectors version won't come out until a bit later (the DVD version) just so they can milk hardcore fans.

The cheapo crappy SP only version will just be available from walmart style stores... Don't worry, you won't be pre-ordering this unless it specifically specifies it's this version.

at you only can preorder the sp version .. i asked em. i don't want to have to register somewhere else ;)
Originally posted by Dougy
never in my 10 years of gaming EVER has my local store EVER ran out of a game i wanted.


i seriously think your all on dope if you think HL2 is gonna clear off the shelves in between when the store opens and i wander in to get a copy.

actually, it depends where u live.. if ur in a computing/gaming hotbed city/area then pre-ordering becomes almost a must unless u wanna run around town that day "hoping" u will get a copy because hope is usually all u have around where i live when u haven't pre-ordered a copy of a much anticipated game..

i remember when i went to pickup my copy of Diablo2, there were a few pple there before me.. when i got there i overheard them pleading for a copy, but the salespersons there made it clear that their first priority are their pre-order customers and made no promises of any extra copies after that.

i don't pretend to know which areas are computing/gaming hotbeds.. but im sure there are areas in which u can walk in on HL2's release day and buy a copy without having pre-ordered it.. but to think pple "don't need" to pre-order is being naive.. i have shared what i seen first hand

so Good luck to those that won't/haven't pre-ordered :)
When i went to get Morrowind, Game had only one box left. I think they had completely underestimated how popular it was going to be, but that isn't going to happen for HL2.

Either preorder on the internet or don't bother.
i definitly want the collocters edition (DVD) because i don't want 4 cd rom HL2 disks...that would be riduculous. I just want to get the DVD version the day it comes out so I just have one pretty...beautiful...shiney...colorful.... well you know what i mean

any thoughts?