Prepare to shit HUGE bricks


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Think of a person and answer the questions. No matter what, he will guess right. Ive tried it with many many different characters, it always gets it right.

Brb going to hospital for anal cavity injuries
This djinn seems to think that there is a Prime Minister of Quebec

although he did narrow it down quite a lot
Does he go until he is fairly sure, or he reaches 20 questions? I hit 18 and he got Chuck Norris. He got to 20 and guessed that Colbert was John McCain. He had like a hundred other options for the Colbert one.
It's not infallible, but got eight of my ten right. Quite a fun piece of programming.
It's older than Jesus.
Questions won't load for me and when I click randomly on an answer nothing happens. Perhaps it's Firefox?
Holy shit how does it know. From the questions it was asking i never thought it would guess right.
Questions won't load for me and when I click randomly on an answer nothing happens. Perhaps it's Firefox?

Firefox or NoScript but yea I get the same.


Nope, IE won't load it either despite all the ads and pop ups. GRRRRRR!
Abe's Oddysee used to destroy Akinator. Took awhile for him to get it.

Also if you really want to shit bricks, pay attention to his moustache.

Also, five weeks I've been trying to teach this thing Shreeky and he'll never get it. Ever.
Ha! I was thinking Scarlett Johanson and it guessed Mandy Moore! :devil:
I withdraw my earlier calm reaction. Bricks have been shat. It's not the accuracy itself, but how it can maintain it with ridiculously low information sometimes. Either that, or the narrowing down takes dozens of questions. Someone must have had fun building up that database... You can still kill it easily with vague/bland characters.
I shat bricks. Then I ate them, and shat them again.

Nineteen questions is all he needed to guess Gabe Newell.
Didn't get Audrey Tatou

Got Gordon Freeman

Didn't Get Issac Brock

Got Ellen Ripley

Got Ted Bundy (Which I was surprised because of the vagueness of his questions, could have been a number of people. Usually you see it coming when he figures it out)

Didn't get Patrick Bateman.

Didn't get Oscar Wilde.

Didn't get Corporal Shepard.
Best way to stump him is to ask characters that AREN'T anime or video game related. He WILL guess them, trust me. Certain people have been feeding this database for months.
I'm just trying to teach a fictional genie obscure characters that maybe one person out of 100,000 will try and stump him with.
Wow I think it's guessed 4/5 of mine. A few of them I thought he had no chance based on the questions but it pulled it from his ass and got it right. Pretty amazing.
Wah wah anime is stupid you are stupid

It was interesting however, one of the questions was 'Has your character killed humans' and I was all 'Hurf durf no that was Lucy.' I wonder what would have happened if I'd done it right.
I...I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. Stop quoting Bizarro Darkside, he's no good.
I thought of:
Gerard Way
Alyx Vance
Ville Valo
Captain Jack Harkness
Gwen Cooper
Ianto Jones
The Doctor
Captain John Hart
Natalie Portman
Zach Braff
Jared Leto
Andrew Lancel
Jasper Carrott
Russell T Davies
Antonio Banderas

The people he DIDN'T get were:
Alyx Vance
Gwen Cooper
Ianto Jones
Cpt. John Hart
Natalie Portman
Andrew Lance (I didn't expect him to get this one!)
Jasper Carrott
Russell T. Davies

Edit: Just got him to try and guess Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke. He got it!
Damn, he got all of mine so far:
Fox Mulder
John Crichton

I'll just have to think of more obscure characters LOL
It got it the first time but I've done it 3 more times since then and it's failed badly.
Slow site is slow.

EDIT: Took him 22 guesses to get John Cleese. I could do better than that.
Oh man I love normal spaghetti more than any other spaghetti. I always use pre-made sauces. Toys are for little kids. Transformers is basically mediocre.

Bizarro Darkside is a pretty edgy guy.

****ing hell, he got Lucy.


let's see if Akinator can guess Bizarro Darkside.
Hahah he didn't guess these:

Thundarr the barbarian
Eustace Bagge (Courage the cowardly dog)
Dr. Terror (The Centurions)
It's a nice program, though it's not like it's OMG AMAZING! It does ask questions to narrow the answer to a single one, after all.

Funny thing happened once: I was thinking of a Polish actress, but when I got to the question "is the character famous for her breasts" (after I confirmed that she is Polish) I decided to lie and say "yes", as I was curious what Polish woman is famous for her breasts. I also said she is a porn actress.

As a result I got a Czech porn star. But I said the character is Polish - wtf? Also as one of the last questions it asked me if my character is a boy. Wat? A woman, famous for her breasts, pornstar and it asks me if it's a boy...
He guessed Michael J. Fox. It was Gary Busey.



How the hell... I ... WHAT
It guessed:
Santa Clause
Floyyd Mayweather
Chris Bosh
Jean Chretien (former Canadian Prime Minister)

didn't guess:
Cliff Bleszinski, instead it gave me "my priest" (I don't have a priest) and I tired again and it gave me some 4chan member (internet attention whores).
erm what ?
Richard first try....damn

holy ****!!! he guessed after maybe 10 questions Albert no questions except "is he still alive", "speaks german", "is a scientists", "is he american" were actually that connected.

this is impressive

come on...he guessed John paul after 11 vague questions...this is some ****ing impressive software!

at 10th question he's really heading the correct way...i'm thinking of Mao and hes already "is he chinese" at 10th question.

i still cant believe it...i'm thinking of jenna jameson and his 3rd question "does your person work in movies", 4th "is your charachter a woman"...damn!

:O he asked me totally unrelated questions and i answered not with just yes or no and a lot of them probably wrong, and he guessed correctly at 20th.
how the **** does this work????

this can't be!!! he guessed from less than 5 questions.....

finally...he completely ****ed up...but that's because i've thought of a specific person from our country not very internationally recognized.