Presidential address


Jun 30, 2003
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So the President gave a speech today. I caught it when it was halfway through.

main points
-increase in toop size
- 30000 more troops, 5000 more marines

-the troop surge is going to mostly be sent into Baghdad in order to regain complete control of the capital city. It will not be without sincere effort of the Iraqi military, otherwise the plan to stablize the Iraqi government will fail. President Bush has stated that if the Iraqi people do not step up and help put an end to the secretarian and insurgent violence, the US will withdraw it's support. He had made tha clear to the people of Iraq and the Iraqi government.

-a portion of the troops(5000 marines) will be sent into the Anbar province of Iraq, one of the areas with the most insurgent fighting, and one of the bloodiest areas of Iraq. The marines sent there will be working with the local leaders to keep out Al-qaeda fighters from creating a new terrorist headquarters there.

-The disruption of support for terrorists and insurgent fighters from Iran and Syria.(can be read as a possible invasion/military action of/against those two countries)

-This is the final effot, and it will depend on the Iraqi people to step up and defend their country from teh insurgents. This effor will not be without bloodshed because the insurgents and terrorists will do all they can to prevent a stable government in Iraq from forming.

Not to derail, but it sounds to me like they're going to pull out right before the Dems take control of the White House, so that they get blamed for massive debt and recession, and then the Reps come back as the "good guys".

Anywho, semi-interesting address.
or now theycan pull out with the excuse that the iraqi people werent doing enough to help
Yes it's clearly a stroke of genius.

I agree with Raziar's post, and other possible economic reasons that have spurred this kindof action once again.
I know that, but you're saying what I said was stupid without giving a reason and without suggesting a better solution so this godawful situation.
I like how after invading Iraq without foresight, stirring up an insurgency, and generally ****ing everything up, the US is actually able to pin the problems on the Iraqi government not "stepping up".

Gotta love how he admits he to the world he f'ed up....little late?
Well, I'm glad he didn't spew bullshit. He clearly said (not clearly, but we all know he "said" it) he ****ed up. I don't think this ingenious plan will work.
Maybe just maybe it just might work, not that it will happen but anything is possible; but I am not betting on it. This is option A, if this fails..whats option B you ask? there is no option B, option B is to withdraw our troops.

Becides bush knows that if this is a complete failure, its his head. Most likely his own party will abandon him & the american people will demand his head. He knows if it doesn't work he's pretty much f*cked & so is the republicans chances of winning the next election in 08' which would go out the window.
or now theycan pull out with the excuse that the iraqi people werent doing enough to help
On the other hand, there is always the line of thought that the Iraqi people don't want our help.

I'm not necessarily saying one way or the other for now, I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Becides bush knows that if this is a complete failure, its his head. Most likely his own party will abandon him & the american people will demand his head.
I was under the impression that a bill had already passed that would protect Bush against any trials for war crimes, human rights abuses and other such nefarious activities of his time as the president.
I think its actually a pretty good idea, because either way things are going to work out better than they are now. We have been trying to get the Iraqi people to establish a firm military presence able to suppress insurgent attacks. It seems like everyone focuses on the negative aspects of everything when it comes to bush... looking on the bright side definitely makes life better. Were not trying to pin the problem on the Iraqi people, we're just asking them to step up to the plate, is that too much to ask? I though thats what we all want is to get out of Iraq, but we're not leaving until the mission is accomplished, regardless of the misconceptions we didn't go there for nothing. Sorry, it's just annoying when i can summarize over half of the posts up by saying, "our government is ****ed up, we're hopeless..."
Is there any way to actually win in Iraq? Like nuke'm all or something more plausible?
Yes - with a pen, not fire and sword. If Al'Qaeda is gaining strength there, that happens for a reason. And we're to ask "why?". People of Iraq are little different than us: they love, they hate. And when they hate they often join Al'Qaeda. Why do they do that? Because they want to drive the invaders out of their land. Why do they want that? Because they saw what they brought, death and disorder.
It could have been solved another way, i'm sure. Just that it wasn't in the interest of the US. For Criss sake, they brought USSR apart, a superpower without any open conflicts, and they couldn't have done the same to a country with 23 million people and a laughing stock for an army?