Presidential candidates ability to speak

Read the article, my theory is he has been on an intense diet of 'ludes and pot and it has taken his coke fuelled wit and turned it into a drooling halfwitted phrase maker.
naw he's an alcoholic (explains why he keeps falling down) I think he gave up the coke a long time ago (right around the time they busted Noriega :E )
It's Barbara that's the alcy! He quit the coke because it made him too edgy for Texas. His ability to debate was impressive but people always thought he was a loser because they caught him on the coke come downs. Then Cheney got him on the 'ludes because the other republicans didn't think he was very cool, then he got compared to clinton and didn't like it so to show how different he was he inhaled pot rather than just smoke it. Then he got a taste for it and his vocabulary and general wit slowly lost it's edge. By the time he was president he didn't want to think any more and now he is gearing up for Heroin so his other worldly decisions can start to make more sense again.

bush got busted for DUI in 76 ..he's always had a problem with alcohol ..he says he gave it up but I dont exactly believe him ...he's always falling down
However, a candiates ability to speak is not the sole reasons that he or she could be unsuitable for the job. The problem with mass media is that the candidates are now selected on thier personal image and style, rather than their experience to the job or even (horror of horrors) thier politcal ideas and ability. Just becuase George has the comprehension and reading skill of a poster, doesn't mean he should be judged harshly, so I am not going to for that reason...

...I'm judging him because, his policies blow chunks, he's a rich, dangerous clown, a puppet for the most evil men in America AND he has the comprehension and reading skill of a poster
Andy said:
However, a candiates ability to speak is not the sole reasons that he or she could be unsuitable for the job. The problem with mass media is that the candidates are now selected on thier personal image and style, rather than their experience to the job or even (horror of horrors) thier politcal ideas and ability. Just becuase George has the comprehension and reading skill of a poster, doesn't mean he should be judged harshly, so I am not going to for that reason...

...I'm judging him because, his policies blow chunks, he's a rich, dangerous clown, a puppet for the most evil men in America AND he has the comprehension and reading skill of a poster

Damn andy, you've done it again
You really shouldn't underestimate Bush. I believe that so far he has won every debate he's been in. I really can't wait for the debates to start, this campaign will finally be about issues, not someone's war record.
Too bad Nader isn't going to make it into the debate. He'd rip them apart.
thefiznut said:
Oh, sure. Go ahead and laugh it up. Let Nader debate, and the truth will be revealed.
Nader has had many chances to prove himself, the media has given him more than enough time. I'm sorry but every interview I watch with him I can't help thinking 'idiot' to myself.
oh and Bush is a member of mensa :upstare:

he can barely speak english much less debate without a script
CptStern said:
oh and Bush is a member of mensa :upstare:

he can barely speak english much less debate without a script
I am really pissed at Bush at this point, but I'm telling you, Democrats better be very careful. It doesn't really matter if you like how Bush talks (I hate it), the fact is he is very good in debates. It will be interesting to see how he does on Iraq with the opposition right in his face; however, I am telling you, don't underestimate him.
good in debates? he made a racsist remark when talking to the press, he didnt know what the name of the prime minister of canada was.

Sorry his speech writers and handlers are the ones that speak for him ..unscripted he's a bit of a moron
No Limit said:
Nader has had many chances to prove himself, the media has given him more than enough time. I'm sorry but every interview I watch with him I can't help thinking 'idiot' to myself.

Suit yourself. In my opinion, mainstream media do not have enough coverage for Nader. Go to any average American, and ask them to tell you one of Nader's stances on any issue, and I bet most will not be able to come up with one. Ask them the same about Bush or Kerry, and i'm pretty sure you'll get a few. I support Nader because I find him to be the most intelligent and practical of the three candidates, and his opinions on many issues I can agree with. If you think Nader's an idiot, I guess that's all good and fine, however, I certainly do not feel the same. It's a shame that even if he were on the ballot in my state, voting for him would only be levering votes from the Democrats to the Republicans, or vice versa. Because of this, I support Kerry and am hoping he makes it into office. Cheers :thumbs:
thefiznut said:
Suit yourself. In my opinion, mainstream media do not have enough coverage for Nader. Go to any average American, and ask them to tell you one of Nader's stances on any issue, and I bet most will not be able to come up with one. Ask them the same about Bush or Kerry, and i'm pretty sure you'll get a few. I support Nader because I find him to be the most intelligent and practical of the three candidates, and his opinions on many issues I can agree with. If you think Nader's an idiot, I guess that's all good and fine, however, I certainly do not feel the same. It's a shame that even if he were on the ballot in my state, voting for him would only be levering votes from the Democrats to the Republicans, or vice versa. Because of this, I support Kerry and am hoping he makes it into office. Cheers :thumbs:
I don't really think that he is an idiot, what he is doing though is something an idiot would do. I had no problem with him running before but he is completely ****ing up this election. There is absolutely no way in hell he will get elected; however, he will not admit that. Every interview I've watched with him he claims that he has a chance. :rolling:
CptStern said:
good in debates? he made a racsist remark when talking to the press, he didnt know what the name of the prime minister of canada was.

Sorry his speech writers and handlers are the ones that speak for him ..unscripted he's a bit of a moron
I agree with you to some extend; however, I am telling you it won't be as easy for Kerry as some think it will.

As an example you can see how good Bush is at debating here :LOL: :LOL:
I'll have to watch it later ..I agree, Kerry has a battle on his hands, which surprises me because Bush has a very bad record as prez so far
No Limit said:
I don't really think that he is an idiot, what he is doing though is something an idiot would do. I had no problem with him running before but he is completely ****ing up this election. There is absolutely no way in hell he will get elected; however, he will not admit that. Every interview I've watched with him he claims that he has a chance. :rolling:

If he were given equal coverage in the media, equal of that given to Bush or Kerry, he would have much more of a chance.
thefiznut said:
If he were given equal coverage in the media, equal of that given to Bush or Kerry, he would have much more of a chance.
That's the thing though, he has been given many chances to prove himself. The fact is that he doesn't stand a chance and he never, EVER, did. In America you have the 2 party system, only a candidate from one of these 2 parties will get elected and it will probably be like this for the rest of our lives. I don't like this but what can we do, it will never change. Sure, Nader could pretend he is trying to change it but when you are 1% in the polls and most of the American public doesn't approve of you it's about time for you to give up.
No Limit said:
That's the thing though, he has been given many chances to prove himself. The fact is that he doesn't stand a chance and he never, EVER, did. In America you have the 2 party system, only a candidate from one of these 2 parties will get elected and it will probably be like this for the rest of our lives. I don't like this but what can we do, it will never change. Sure, Nader could pretend he is trying to change it but when you are 1% in the polls and most of the American public doesn't approve of you it's about time for you to give up.

I'm sorry but i'm going to have to disagree here. This surely isn't true of the Internet, but television news sources display much more information about both Kerry and Bush's campaigns than Nader.

Edit: Considerably more. Also, I disagree about his approval rating. Many support Nader, but like myself, choose not to vote for him because he's not given a chance in the current two-party system.

1%? Not hardly.

I think we both can agree that the two party system is rubbish, however.