Pretend to be a dictator / tv sitcom star

I didnt read the directions so i was answering for myself. At the end it guessed and i got confused. After i realized wtf was happening i was too tired to do it all over again.
That was the coolest thing ever. But, you need to know an awful lot about the dictator or sitcom person to have it guess correctly...
"I guess that you are Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Am I right?"

Who on eath is Anya?
Ritz said:
"I guess that you are Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Am I right?"

Who on eath is Anya?
S/He is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, duh! :hmph:
I have never watched buffy before... This thing is weird, but smart.
I've seen a few variations on this thing, like movie names and stuff like that.
"Congratulations, you stumped me! It certainly seemed that you were Kristoffer Sundin from Sweden, but if you say you weren't, I guess I have to believe you. Not that I'm happy about it. In fact, you've ruined my whole day. But I'll get you next time!
In the meanwhile, if you tell me who you were and help me out with a good yes/no question, I'll be able to guess it right next time. Please, try to think of a good general question that can be answered "yes" for lots of characters, not just the one that you were thinking of. And if you can't think of a good question, don't worry about it, just go and play a new game."

It guessed I was Che Guaruvera. I was only the 9th person to choose him.
outpost said:
It guessed I was Che Guaruvera. I was only the 9th person to choose him.

Heh. Only 17 people picked Hitler.
Heh, decided to screw around with it by constantly say no. After a few minutes the questions just started to become crazy. Eventually one of the questions was something like "Is anyone casting KEI in PoK??", Anyone who played Everquest will understand it.
ook, george bush is a lesbian :O

/me thinks this thing still needs some work
Only the eighth person to chose GWB. The questions were shockingly accurate towards the end...