Priests to purify site after Bush's visit to get rid of evil spirits

Yea, because if anybody deserves not to be bashed it's Bush.
Guess I'll post this here.

Tht's a ripoff of the Abbot and Costello sketch "who's on first?". I prefer the AC version.
Yeah I know the original thing (which should have been apparant if you interpreted my post correctly). If I hadn't known what it was don't you think I would have googled what you said or asked you what that was? Nope my post apparantly just contained a question mark when you read it. You calling the Bush thing a "rifpoff" is ridiculous. Think of it as a tribute, practically. The creator obviously knows about the original. In fact anyone who hasn't heard of the original joke is living under a rock.
I remnber that "who" thing was in animaniacs whit a band called the who
RJMC's grammar and spelling just through me for a loop :laugh: I couldn't understand at all what he was saying.

I now see that he meant to say the BAND called "The Who"
Horray for bashing bush!

Seriously, don't liberals have anything better to do? He's not perfect & he looks at things differently than you do. I think his biggest mistake was to ignore the insults and bashing, because it's only gotten worse.

I have a number of disagreements with him & I had more with Clinton, but what's with these close-minded people jumping to the conclusion that the head of the other party is evil? I think the only one close was John Kerry, who was border-line traitorous (and yes I examined all the info closely . . . which was a little difficult since it seems 80-year-olds don't know how to use the internet).

Our country isn't perfect. No country is perfect, but ours is a lot better than any country in the world. We should support our country, try to make it stronger, try to make it better, even if/when we make mistakes. I'm not saying mindlessly support our actions, but it makes me sick seeing liberals sympathize with Al Queda as if they're freedom fighters. Ummm.... they intentionally, directly, purposefully, and unnecessarily killed many CIVILIANS thousands of miles away & they'd kill every one of us if they could! Yea, think about that for a moment, if we wern't the "world's police men," those bastards would happily Jihad and rampage the world.

I expect a lot of people do disagree with my viewpoints, but come on! Bush isn't going to be reelected, he only has less than a year left, move on & look forward!

Anyway, enough political-chat for me, someone move this to the politics forum.
Horray for bashing bush!

Seriously, don't liberals have anything better to do? He's not perfect & he looks at things differently than you do. I think his biggest mistake was to ignore the insults and bashing, because it's only gotten worse.

I have a number of disagreements with him & I had more with Clinton, but what's with these close-minded people jumping to the conclusion that the head of the other party is evil? I think the only one close was John Kerry, who was border-line traitorous (and yes I examined all the info closely . . . which was a little difficult since it seems 80-year-olds don't know how to use the internet).

Our country isn't perfect. No country is perfect, but ours is a lot better than any country in the world. We should support our country, try to make it stronger, try to make it better, even if/when we make mistakes. I'm not saying mindlessly support our actions, but it makes me sick seeing liberals sympathize with Al Queda as if they're freedom fighters. Ummm.... they intentionally, directly, purposefully, and unnecessarily killed many CIVILIANS thousands of miles away & they'd kill every one of us if they could! Yea, think about that for a moment, if we wern't the "world's police men," those bastards would happily Jihad and rampage the world.

I expect a lot of people do disagree with my viewpoints, but come on! Bush isn't going to be reelected, he only has less than a year left, move on & look forward!

Anyway, enough political-chat for me, someone move this to the politics forum.

Holy shit, I dont think ive ever seen so much stupid condensed into one post.

Horray for bashing bush!

Seriously, don't liberals have anything better to do? He's not perfect & he looks at things differently than you do. I think his biggest mistake was to ignore the insults and bashing, because it's only gotten worse.

I have a number of disagreements with him & I had more with Clinton, but what's with these close-minded people jumping to the conclusion that the head of the other party is evil? I think the only one close was John Kerry, who was border-line traitorous (and yes I examined all the info closely . . . which was a little difficult since it seems 80-year-olds don't know how to use the internet).

Our country isn't perfect. No country is perfect, but ours is a lot better than any country in the world. We should support our country, try to make it stronger, try to make it better, even if/when we make mistakes. I'm not saying mindlessly support our actions, but it makes me sick seeing liberals sympathize with Al Queda as if they're freedom fighters. Ummm.... they intentionally, directly, purposefully, and unnecessarily killed many CIVILIANS thousands of miles away & they'd kill every one of us if they could! Yea, think about that for a moment, if we wern't the "world's police men," those bastards would happily Jihad and rampage the world.

I expect a lot of people do disagree with my viewpoints, but come on! Bush isn't going to be reelected, he only has less than a year left, move on & look forward!

Anyway, enough political-chat for me, someone move this to the politics forum.

man you are completely deluded ..the kind of deluded that can only be cured with intensive shock therapy or with precise holes drilled into your cranium so as to let the demons out

anyways I dont think it will be that much of a problem as there's a good chance Georgie wont find the archealogical site

George Dubya: "excuse me see-knee-or which way to ... ummm Lex ..Iex ..umm lexus ..umm <points at map>

Mayan villager: "you mean Iximche?"

George Dubya: "ya that's it: Ichy-mitchy"

Mayan Villager: " ...Iximche"

George Dubya: "Itchy scratchy?"

Mayan villager: ".......Iximche"

George Dubya: "right ...Itchy-wachimicallit"

Mayan Villager: "idiota"

George Dubya: "Hasta la Microsoft-Vista to you too Come-padre"

Mayan Villager: "idiota"
I'm just sick of all the Bush bashing, what's so wrong with that? I was sick of the Clinton bashing when it went on; who cares if he's a "perverted bastard?" So, really, what's the point of all this Bush bashing?

What's really sad in my opinion is the bashing has gotten out of hand & now the people who protect this country with their lives (Army, Navy, Airforce, etc) have to deal with it too. They're doing a great job, even though it may seem different if you only watch CNN as they gleefully spout the new death-count & turn every tiny scratch into a massive scar. It's the way of the news, they did it to Clinton too, it's just that bashing Bush & the war is popular right now.

It's rather pathetic to insult someone's intelligence when you know nothing about them. If you disagree with me, that's cool, write your argument or disagreement. A lot of people who disagree don't bother opening their mouths because the conversation always goes like this . . .

Person A: Sure, we made some mistakes and it’s not pretty in Iraq, but we’re doing a good job.
Person B: Are you deaf, blind, or stupid?

So, exactly how is that supposed to lead to a mature or intelligent conversation?

Well, I suppose I shouldn't be the party-pooper in your Bush Bashing Fiesta . . . afterall, I'm sure I have an army of demons following me around too. While you're at it avoid insulting people's intelligence, there's no reason to make enemies here.
I'm just sick of all the Bush bashing, what's so wrong with that? I was sick of the Clinton bashing when it went on; who cares if he's a "perverted bastard?" So, really, what's the point of all this Bush bashing?

well it's not like Americans will hold him accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people a little bash here and there is warrented

besides he invites bashing because
a. he can barely string two words together
b. is easily confused/stumped
c. and is just plain dumb my 30 + years I have never seen such a dimwitted politician

What's really sad in my opinion is the bashing has gotten out of hand & now the people who protect this country with their lives (Army, Navy, Airforce, etc) have to deal with it too.

I'm glad you brought that up because they should be the ones most vocal in their bashing ..I mean Bush sent over 3000 of them to their deaths on nothing more than a lie ..I'm often surprised by how brainwashed they must be if they cant see Bush is sending them down the river styx without a paddle

They're doing a great job

I'm sorry but that's not true ..they're adding to the problems just by their very precense, they're not rebuilding anything and are just human targets at this point

even though it may seem different if you only watch CNN as they gleefully spout the new death-count & turn every tiny scratch into a massive scar.

you're one of those people who think CNN is the "liberal left" ..that's down right lol funny in a disturbing OMG you're so deluded kind of way

It's the way of the news, they did it to Clinton too, it's just that bashing Bush & the war is popular right now.

not because they have a reaosn to bash the war/bush ..heaven forbid people criticise the worst humanitarian disaster to happen in over a generation

It's rather pathetic to insult someone's intelligence when you know nothing about them.

come on man stop drinking the kool-aid ..he's barely comprehensible, makes obvious embarrassing mistakes that even 3rd graders wouldnt make, was a mediocre student and is prone to making outright idiotic statements that either prove he was drunk at the time or just completely out to lunch:

"Too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many OB/GYNs [gynecologist] aren't able to practise their love with women all across this country..." - George W Bush

If you disagree with me, that's cool, write your argument or disagreement. A lot of people who disagree don't bother opening their mouths because the conversation always goes like this . . .

Person A: Sure, we made some mistakes and it?s not pretty in Iraq, but we?re doing a good job.
Person B: Are you deaf, blind, or stupid?

sigh I'm so tired of repeating myself endlessly ..FFS IT WASNT A MISTAKE ..MISTAKES ARE NOT INTENTIONAL ..the invasion was a cold calculated move that had NOTHING to do with WMD ..the Bush admin KNEW for years that Saddam did not have WMD

So, exactly how is that supposed to lead to a mature or intelligent conversation?

sorry but that's rarely the case at ..I find most people will explain their statement ..but I agree that sort of statement doesnt help but in my experience the majority of war supporters take that opportunity to plug their ears and loudly say "nahnahnahI CANT HEAR YOUnahnahnah"

Well, I suppose I shouldn't be the party-pooper in your Bush Bashing Fiesta . . . afterall, I'm sure I have an army of demons following me around too. While you're at it avoid insulting people's intelligence, there's no reason to make enemies here.

if more of you stopped and took the time to actually research the avaiable information we wouldnt have had this conversation because there'd be no chance in hell of Bush being elected a second time people really have no one but yourselves to blame for all the criticism aimed at the US

Person A: Sure, we made some mistakes and it’s not pretty in Iraq, but we’re doing a good job.
Person B: Are you deaf, blind, or stupid?

You know, that's probably a spot-on response to anybody who thinks Iraq can be remotely considered a "good job".
phantomdesign said:
Horray for bashing bush! Seriously, don't Mayans have anything better to do?

That was a sardonic comment on the madness of bringing platitude-ridden political rants into a thread about an amusing news story.
aye stop bringing politics into everything jeez, no one cares

and that priest is a moron by the way
Good Points CptStern.

I was referring to people who don’t know ME and were insulting MY intelligence (not Bush).

I have to agree that he does invite bashing. He never sticks up for himself and he does have some (read: a lot) difficulties in the speech department.

I didn't say CNN was liberal & I'm referring to all the networks including Fox. Like almost all news-media, they enhance and hide certain factors of stories to achieve the proper effect and "sell" more "news."

We should have invaded, that wasn't a mistake. The mistake was improper execution of the attack & public relations (WMD, WMD, WMD).

Stupidity is just about everywhere, so you’ll always have people (regardless of which side) running away and covering their ears. Even though I disagree & think you’re a bit 1-sided, I can respect your opinions (now that you moved past the strange shock-therapy comment).