
I watched it when it first started airing. Typical mundane, low budget British drama series. A little garbage, really.
Ahaha, I've caught this at like 2 in the morning here a couple of times. It's hilariously bad.
Yeah I know it. Watched the first couple of series of this, was pretty good really. Watchable but I wouldn't rave over it.
I saw a few episodes, and thought it was horrible, the acting and CGI in general was just facepalm worthy. Still, not as bad as Demons.
Its got alot of filler episodes, there an interesting plot that a paradox was created, but i stopped following...
I saw a few episodes, and thought it was horrible, the acting and CGI in general was just facepalm worthy. Still, not as bad as Demons.

Awh come on, it was alrighh' :p
Although seconded about demons, I mercifully managed to avoid the poor parody of BuffyTVS.
It was awful :p But yes, Demons made me want to cry it was so bad haha.
You want horrifyingly bad? You want to get that "WTF am I watching" reaction. Well then check out "Passions". *gouges eyes out*
Passions? *googles*... judging by Wiki, it looks awful.
It's a shame that anything good gets cancelled within the first season or two....
Yeah *cough* firefly *cough*. One of the biggest mistakes in tv history.
Yeah *cough* firefly *cough*. One of the biggest mistakes in tv history.

The cancelling of it that is. From what I've heard Angel shouldn't have been cancelled although I haven't watched it myself, and it did get 5 seasons. Dollhouse should have been given more than it got cause it had great potential. Flashforward should have got more than one season, mainly because it didn't get the chance to finish.
But all of these blow most **** on tv atm out of the water completely.
Yeh that cancelling of it, pains me when I see the crap on tv at the moment and know that great shows like firefly, that had such a good first series was cancelled. Its beyond belief really.
It is a mournful occurrence :( Just shows how brainless the majority have become, or just how much bad taste they have.
The cancelling of it that is. From what I've heard Angel shouldn't have been cancelled although I haven't watched it myself, and it did get 5 seasons.
It had a good run. Honestly, it dragged it's heels a lot after they took over Wolfram & Hart. I mean, bringing Spike back as a ghost? You could tell they were reaching for plot points.

For the record I only know this because the girlfriend is a bit of Whedonite. >_>