

Dec 29, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone was into them. I loved Primus a few years ago and I am just recently starting rediscover their genius. Something I've noticed in is their taste for bands that aren't exactly "normal" or extremely "mainstream" and I thought Primus fit those attributes perfectly.

Primus at their best:

Tommy the Cat:

John the Fisherman:

To Defy the Laws of Tradition:
My username says it all, really. :D I loves me some Primus. Probably one of the most original bands I know of, always creating some new and fresh and as equally wacky as pretty much every other song they've released. Claypool is just... a genius. Or a mad scientist of music.

Sailing the Seas of Cheese is pretty much a must have album, a utter essential to any collection. I don't think they've released an album I dislike, save maybe one or two songs. Some of them, such as The Brown Album, just need a little time to get accustomed to.

Far too many songs are favourites of mine. Lacquer Head, Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats, My Name is Mud, Harold of the Rocks, Puddin' Taine and Pudding Time, Golden Boy, John The Fisherman (all parts), Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers (< probably my all time favourite)...

Just too many!
@ TheAntipop

Ah yes. I noticed your username fairly quickly and I gained shitton of respect for you as soon as I did. But I was wondering, have you heard much about their supposed upcoming album? Their wikipedia entry lists an album scheduled for 2007-2008. I need more info on that because I want that god damn album as soon as it comes out.
Nah I've not a clue. Claypool recently recently a new solo album which I've yet to listen to, and I think a Best Of/Collection or a DVD of Primus was just released but as for the new album it's all pretty quiet on that front.
Oh, hell yeah! I knew I'd missed a band when I shifted my music over to the new computer, must've forgotten to back it up. *promptly hunts down discography*

Loves me some Frizzle Fry any old time. I was raised on that album.

they sound like incubus..



Nevermind. :sleep:
Primus are amazing, Wynona's Big Brown Beaver always cracks me up, probably because of the freakishly trippy, yet comical video.

Anyone have a listen to Claypool's solo album Of Whales and Woe?

they sound like incubus..

What the **** are you on about?
what, they seriously do..their guitar riffs and all..

ah forget it..
What songs sound like Incubus?
stuff from their second album..? the guitar riffs are quite similar..

i told you, forget what I said..

Personally, I wouldn't even put Primus and Incubus in the same sentance together as similar sounding. Whatever floats your boat n' all, horses for courses, but shit... :\
I gotta butt in on this one...Incubus??? WTF?? They sound NOTHING alike, nothing against Incubus, I love their old stuff, but in my opinion they aren't similar by any stretch of the imagination. Primus rules.
Wait a minute, Incubus?? They don't sound like Incubus!
There area few moments on Fungous Amongus where I could see minor similarity. Some parts of The Answer I could see having a similar sound... ish.

Anyway, yeah, I love Primus.
Primus is quite awesome, they go in with all the great 90's rock I grew up with