Prince of Persia 2: New Video

Jun 24, 2004
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I just came across a new video of PoP2. Mostly it's about the new art style of the game (I loved PoP1, but always thought it was too cartoony. Now we're going to get something much darker).

What really got me is a short sceen where the prince (who looks pissed off) cut's of the head of an enemy and you see blood go spurting. My jaw dropped since I expected the same innocent fighting style as in PoP one (don't kill your enemies, absorb them).

For those interested here's the link where I got the 3 min movie (ps: it gives slight spoilers as to the plot of the game, so if you are one of those people that likes everything to be a suprise, well, don't listen to the comentary).

(no waiting times for the download): Prince of Persia Art Interview
I've been watching this one closely, as I loved the original. The sequel is going to be absolutely brutal: you can pretty much cut the bad guys to pieces with some pretty perverse moves.
I dont know, i never played the original, did it happen to come out for the PC?
I liked Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, but the only thing that was boring was the repetitive combat. I also liked the really old one for the amiga. That ruled.
kungfucheez said:
I dont know, i never played the original, did it happen to come out for the PC?

You can get the original two for Super Nintendo with an emulator and some time.

ANd yes, they made PoP: The Sands of Time (for gc, xbox, and ps2) for PC aswell
Tinneth said:
I liked Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, but the only thing that was boring was the repetitive combat. I also liked the really old one for the amiga. That ruled.

The Sands of Time was my favorite game of last year, but I agree with Tinneth... at times it did seem as though they just stuck a load of baddies in a particular place to inhibit your advancement somewhat.

The puzzle aspect though, and the look of the game rocked.
I've seen way more of the combat and characters in the IGN insider vids. The looks absolutely stunning - the animation is so fluid, and solid.
It's a shame the dagger is gone in this game. What 'gimmick' does this one have to replace that?
It still keeps the time bending abilities from the last game though.
And while many of the battles were fairly similar (same bad guys) it took me four trips through the game to actually learn every move there is and how the dagger works involving special moves.
wow. that video looks decent. corny voice over though :)