Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones -- Opinons?


Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Christmas is coming up, and I hardly have any gift ideas. Two Thrones seems like a good gift. So, how does this game live up to the other two titles? Is it better, worse, or simply no comparison (totally different game)?
Just saw the ad for it on the PS2, and I have to say it looked good.

I actually thought it was gonna be for the XBox 360 at first sight, I dont know if that says something about how much the 360 has under-achieved so far in terms of visuals, or about how well they have gotten it to run on the PS2 :rolleyes:
It`s the best one, in my opinion, the only one I`ve managed to sit through and actually finish.
It was nice, bought it, played it the day I bought it and played it the next day. And finished it. Well what can I say, most people hated the rock music in the second one and the voice of the prince. Well they kept the mean looks of the prince but replaced the rock music and he has his SoT voice again. Plus they removed those scenes where you were balancing on a pole and you had to time it right to kill an assasin chick, a lot of people found that annoying, thus it was removed.

My personal opinion is, it was nice, but ww and SoT were better IMO. My personal big faults with it were, the enviorments. They were imo not as beautiful as in the first and second. In those games I would literally just gaze at then, in T2T there are just a lot of square rooftops, the gared of babylon really did not impress me as much as the gardens in WW. There weren't alot of puzzelas also, and I love puzzeling. There are a few good ones at the end but all in all not enough. They also removed one of the best moves from ww, it was the one where your screen went red and you hacked at the enemies superfast, that was just so cool.

But they added chariots and other races, they added the ability to stick your dagger in a certain spots in the wal and to clime up or down between two wall who are close, so now you have to be even more inventive to get from point a to point b. They added speedkils, which make it easier for the ones under us who have good reflexes to kill enemies. You aslo have the dagger, so no moregetting better sword like in the first two games. Now you play for 4/5 of the game with teh same dagger and the other weapons you pick up from the enemies. Theg ame does have the best bosses imo of all the three games. All in all it's what you prefer, it certainly won't dissapoint you.

In any case I think most people would rank them like this, from best to least best.
Anyway if you buy it for the PC you get SoT and WW for free in the package, so if you do not have those, it's a very very good deal.