Printers dangerous like Cigerettes


Aug 22, 2003
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Printers dangerous like Cigarettes

I guess there was a study that said some office printers emit potentially dangerous levels of particles into the air.
"The study, conducted in a large open-plan space, found indoor particle levels in the office air increased five-fold during work hours due to printer use.

Printers emitted more particles when the toner cartridge was new, and when printing graphics and images as they required greater quantities of toner, Prof Morawska said."

Glad I'm not around a place with a lot of laser printers. :\
There is a laser printer printer RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Will it not emitting dust if I do not use it?
*Warning* Licking cartridges may cause hallucinations.
Lol I worked in a copy shop for two weeks a few weeks ago

The guy who ran it smoked and had like 15 toner printers in there, all working all the time. And his pregant daughter works there aswell D:
This is why I use a 16th century movable type press for all of my papers.
Well I never thought that printers smelled healthy, but that never stopped me smoking them.
And placebos. Those mother****ers dont do anything.