Probably insignificant


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
But I was messing about on my own server, and I knew there was a carboard box recently added to dust, but I didn't know how big it was (most of the time it is just stuck beneath the surface of the map, don't worry I've done a bug report :p).

Anyway, I was pushing it around and the full thing popped out and I noticed a number on it. It is probablt insignificant, but does it mean anything to anyone?

It's the new release date:

03/11/2037 9:00AM
My god! it's true! That must be the release date!

erm, how did you pick it up with your hands?
MaxiKana said:
My god! it's true! That must be the release date!

erm, how did you pick it up with your hands?
The hands you can see are from the knife model.
MaxiKana said:
My god! it's true! That must be the release date!

erm, how did you pick it up with your hands?

And the screenshot is on it's side. Ahem.
I doubt they would add such detail to a useless box if it didn't serve any purpose. Maybe something to do with TEST 3 (Can't remember which test we are on :D )? Try it as the code perhaps?

Where on the map is it?
methinks this is either usless or part of the next test
You can find the box right of the first arch near the CT spawn. When I found it, it could only see half of it. The rest of it was under the ground. When I kicked it around a bit I could see the number on the other side too.
its a sign, its an omen... its a number that could be a release date of Half life 3! lol :bounce:
well..i found it too...and then another

I reported da bug...and well....then found another one.. got both of them near CT spawn. The 1st was by those palets of bricks by the arch. The 2nd was near the rubish in the like corridoor leading to the steps at the top end of CT spawn. heres a nice screenshot

By the way.. if you cant get the boxes to flip...... see thos barrels on my screenie, well push the box to the other side of them...then kinda shove it towards the gap u can see to the left of them (this looks out towards the cart with the basket on) this should force the box through the barrels (another clipping bug) and flip it over!!
core thats abit mad like :) i also found it. had to prop it up against a wall to flip the thing tho.
I bet you can use it to unlock all the HL2 preload content ahead of time. (i'm 1337) :cool:
That box is so buggy.

First its under the floor but its not, so you walk into it then it shoots about 20 miles some direction, then the tops not visible and it flies around like a mofo under the ground.
EVERYONE it is his SSN 123-45-6789
EVERYONE it is his SSN 031-13-7900
however, don't think SSN's start with 0
But, at least I used my head.
NO, it is the release date of HL3
03/11/2037 9:00AM

Damn, first we wait like 6 years. now for HL3.
we wait a lot more years.
HL3 better be that good and advanced.
YES, it is the password to the encryption that they used for HL2.
now there are like 3 different encryption methods.
which one is it.
The funny thing about that is, is that they are programmers.
If they used their heads, they would have made the encryption program theirselves. So, I dought that we will be able to crack it without hacking their systems again.
They do run on windows everyone. what's their IP again. JOKING!
NO ONE even attempt it! if you do we will track you down and take you out!
thanks for making two consecutive posts of completely useless shit.

someone email valve about this?
I almost agree with guinny on this one even if he has no tact at all :D

Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.
Or to be able to flame someone with such excellence that they won't even notice that they got flamed ;) Or something like that.