Probably the most annoying thing so far...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I was playing, and everyone was yelling about some exploiter..I was like..the hell?

So I open scores...and he was just racking up points! He wa at 100...with the caps/kit point things. And had 2 kills and 0 deaths. Now mind you, we only capped like 2 objectives at the time. I thought nothing of it and continued.

Well, I finally found out what they were doing. Being medic, killing the teamate, rezzing him, killing him again. Now the only thing I don't get, is why wasn't he losing the points for the TK, or getting kicked or anything... \=

all in all, here you go.


*EDIT* Heh, just realized there was another one on the OTHER team doing that D:
yeah, its easy. all the cool kids are doing it.
Damn, I was on that server :(

I tried to go and kill them, but they TKed me and used me in their own little games :(
cyberpitz said:
Now the only thing I don't get, is why wasn't he losing the points for the TK

the medic isnt getting points for TK because hes reviving his teammate

the guy who was dying was probably jumping from a high place instead of using grenades or making the medic TK him

damn exploters :frown:
Kamikazie said:
the medic isnt getting points for TK because hes reviving his teammate

the guy who was dying was probably jumping from a high place instead of using grenades or making the medic TK him

damn exploters :frown:
No, I'm pretty sure it was the Medic killin him...Tiimmyy was the one taking the abuse. :P
well...poor TIIMMYY first off, and as for the two guys, both of them could have been medics and the guy without the points could have kill tiimmyy and got them back by doing the same thing he was doing with the TheN3rd guy.

But thats just my theory.
What actully happend was there were 2 pairs of people (4, 2 on each team). One guy on MEC kills the US guy, and the US med revies him. Thus the assault guy gets points for a kill and the medic gets points for a revive. They kept doing it between them evenly so everyone got their fair share.

Then I turend up in an FAV, saw what was going on, and they shot me. Then their US med revied me and the MEC guys knifes me again. This happend about 20 times but becuase I never died I didnt lose any points.

It was only when the commander killed them with arty that I could get away :(
thats a new way... it would work with 3 but i hate the assholes who do that crap.

just because you cant play cause you suck doesnt mean that you can rune everybody elses fun by cheating or exploiting which ever one makes more sense. :flame: :angry: :flame:
Kamikazie said:
thats a new way... it would work with 3 but i hate the assholes who do that crap.

just because you cant play cause you suck doesnt mean that you can rune everybody elses fun by cheating or exploiting which ever one makes more sense. :flame: :angry: :flame:
Apparently you can, eh?
Myxamatosis said:
Apparently you can, eh?

But it still doesnt make it right. Hey, what can you do...Exept BAN their ass! :laugh:

j/k but really it's just not cool man!
i dont know why they think they can get away with it. they'll get their accounts banned and lose $50. not smart
I doubt anything bad will happen, they aren't changing their game at all, installing 3rd parties or anything. They are just harrassing. It's like [*****] can't ban em from the games, just from teh servers
i dont get why everybody is so upset with these's not like it's a race to the next rank or something. Other than just dropping the tickets there really not doing anything that affects you.
well if ure the guy getting it done to, then it's pretty worthless.
cyberpitz said:
I doubt anything bad will happen, they aren't changing their game at all, installing 3rd parties or anything. They are just harrassing. It's like [*****] can't ban em from the games, just from teh servers

Doubt anything will happen? Well first step they get their accounts reset to zero, and I am going to assume, the same offenders that get caught again, get banned from the ranked servers.
yeah, i bet a repeat offense will get their whole CDKEY banned.
I still don't see how a CDKEY will get banned. It doesn't say anywhere in the EULA that they can't do that. Couldn't they do some court action on that? Doing something that isn't in the rules as "bad" and they lose the game pretty much? They could at least go to get their money back. Banned from ranked servers is something very feasable though.
I'm gonna have to side with the banned from ranked servers but not CDKey banned. It sucks yeah, but not that big of a deal.
cyberpitz said:
I still don't see how a CDKEY will get banned. It doesn't say anywhere in the EULA that they can't do that. Couldn't they do some court action on that? Doing something that isn't in the rules as "bad" and they lose the game pretty much? They could at least go to get their money back. Banned from ranked servers is something very feasable though.

it doesn't have to explicitly say it in the EULA. EA can ban your cdkey if they see fit, leaving the game still operational(in LAN and SP mode). beyond the ranking system, there is the cdkey auth network, which is also theirs, and they can ban anyone they want from that as they see fit, just as blizzard does it to cheaters in their games. and theres no way to get your money back if you've gotten your cdkey banned unless you convince some clueless person to buy it from you.

i wouldn't underestimate EA in this regard. look at all the trouble they went through to take off unlocked weapon servers from the master list for the demo. they'll have no qualms about banning cheaters for good from online play as long as it allows the online experience and ranking system to work properly without problems.
1.) Blizzard banned CD keys cause of people breaking the EULA.
2.) They weren't cheating, just harassing..getting a higher rank.
3.) Taking away teh online play would basically render the options givin to you mainly useless. THUS since it's not available to you due to EA's fault, then they could do something. They have to state it to be a bannable offense, and they can still do that. If they do post that out, and people still do it, then yes banned, but unless it's stated otherwise, they wouldn't ban for harassment...