probably the only reasonable alternative energy source


Aug 6, 2004
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until we master fusion.

i'm talking about geothermal energy.

it's probably the only real and abundant alternative source that could power us in the near future.

edit: read the "potential" section of wiki quite interesting
The MIT report calculated the world's total EGS resources to be over 13,000 ZJ. Of these, over 200 ZJ would be extractable, with the potential to increase this to over 2,000 ZJ with technology improvements - sufficient to provide all the world's present energy needs for several millennia.[11]

The key characteristic of an EGS (also called a Hot Dry Rock system), is that it reaches at least 10 km down into hard rock. At a typical site two holes would be bored and the deep rock between them fractured. Water would be pumped down one and steam would come up the other. The MIT report estimated that there was enough energy in hard rocks 10 km below the United States to supply all the world's current needs for 30,000 years. [11]

Drilling at this depth is now possible in the petroleum industry, albeit expensive. (Exxon announced an 11 km hole at the Chayvo field, Sakhalin. Lloyds List 1/5/07 p 6) Wells drilled to depths greater than 4000 metres generally incur drilling costs in the tens of millions of dollars. The technological challenges are to drill wide bores at low cost and to break rock over larger volumes. Apart from the energy used to make the bores, the process releases no greenhouse gases.
What about sperm? Heat energy, movement.

World hunger solved!
We just need a light speed delivery system. I'll work on the engine, you work on filling those capsules.
Heard bout this.

What about sperm? Heat energy, movement.

World hunger solved!

that is actually a very good plan!

you should patent you penis...or someone might steal your idea. :naughty: *faps in a envelope directed to africa*

ot topic: geotermal is the way to go...not wind or solar. or any of the biofuel crap
Acquire 'The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream'

Youtube version:-

It's worth watching (even if your not an American) and a sobering commentary on present energy consumption. When you move away from oil, coal etc to discussing energy dollars it becomes quite interesting.

The reality is, we are always going to be able to generate energy, but we are highly unlikely to ever be able to sustain present levels of consumption (which are quite insane tbh when you think about it).
At the corner of my road on a light post there is a sign saying 'The only renewable energy source, GEOTHERMAL' or something like that, then there was a phone number to call for info I guess. I noticed it just today on my way home from work.

Hell yeah man. Lava powered. The lights in my house are powered by god damn MAGMA, bitches.
Nah man, weed is the only reasonable alternative energy source man. Cause it's from the earth man.
Nah man, weed is the only reasonable alternative energy source man. Cause it's from the earth man.

I say we capture Munro when he comes to lock this thread and use him as a source of power. I'm pretty sure he's made of dark matter or some shit like that.

I have a master ball, no worries guys.