Problem caused by steam update or computer?


Sep 23, 2005
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Ok after the GMAN's talk in the very begginning the game slows down to 2FPS. I didn't play HL2 before the steam update that causes problems so I don't know if it's steam that causes this to happen, but when I tried my brother's retail copy of HL2 on my computer it worked fine, so I think it's steam. But I need clarification. Is it steam or my computer?

My specs:

AMD Athlon XP 3200+ Barton 2.2Ghz
eVGA GeForce 6600GT AGP OC'ed @ 534/1130
1024MB DDR400 DualChannel RAM
NVIDIA 78.05 beta drivers
DirectX 9.0C
Ok after the GMAN's talk in the very begginning the game slows down to 2FPS. I didn't play HL2 before the steam update that causes problems so I don't know if it's steam that causes this to happen, but when I tried my brother's retail copy of HL2 on my computer it worked fine, so I think it's steam. But I need clarification. Is it steam or my computer?
So you never played HL2 until the update. You tried your bought copy from the store and after the gman it slowed down to like 2 FPS. So you installed your brothers bought copy and it worked fine?
All copies except those pirated WHICH IS ILLEGAL, use STEAM.
What the heck? My copy isn't illegal, I used my brother's copy to test and see if it was my copy that was the problem. I paid for my copy, I bought it on steam, my brother bought it in a store. What I meant by "not playing HL2 until after updating steam" was that I didn't feel like playing HL2 for some reason until after steam got the bad update.
How exactly did you "try" your brother's copy? Did you completely remove your game and install from his discs? Did you simply log in to Steam with his account?

A possible reason for problems sometimes is that game files get corrupted. In that case, typing


into the run dialog, your browser address bar or wherever you want to execute commands should tell Steam to check whether your HL2 files are OK.
I've already validated my files, and yes, I installed my brother's copy by using his discs, without UNinstalling mine. I really just want to know if it's steam that's causing this and not my fault. I know my brother's copy isn't illeagal because it had the boxart and manual and everything.
Ok Ok, just some people come around here with illegal copies and ask for help. Pisses me off, so I like to get that out of the way right away.

Im not sure, has he tweaked any of his files? If he has then thats probably why his gets such good performance.
I doubt it's steam itself. His also may be set to a diffrent level of Direct X, his may be in 7 or 8 thus giving him better performance(less quailty) than if you ran in Dx9. He may also have his settings down guessing same res? if your graphics card dosn't have a fast enough fill rate that can make higher res'es laggier.

Anyway, what I would do is keep using his copy of steam and all the files just use your account. That way you get the performance benifets.

And I doubt it could be Steams fault, you both are running the exact same copy of steam. It's within Hl2's tweaking itself.
The only weird part is the guy getting 2 FPS. Even with a slow video card, I can't imagine what settings it would have to be on to run at 2 FPS. And, he has a 6600 GT - even if you put the settings on all high, that card would not slow down to a slideshow.
Also, a friend brought over his copy of HL2 to my house to play on my computer and it worked fine, this was before the steam update. The thing is i'm like tech support to all my friends so he called me and said he was getting the same problem after his steam updated. What's weird is that it does this right after the train appears infront of you, during the GMAN's talk it never went below 60FPS.
Have you downloaded the newest 78.05 drivers? They fix some issues with the newest update. (nVidia)
Have you downloaded the newest 78.05 drivers? They fix some issues with the newest update. (nVidia)
Yes that gave me a nice 5+ FPS boost from my older version. Even really dosn't matter......:)

But yeah HL2 did **** up after the update for some people. They optimized it a bit and that messed it up for some people. Though others have known a tremendous boost in performance.
I'm definitely on the lucky side - no CSS problems after the update, like some people can't even connect, and HL2 is working as good as ever.
I already have the 78.05 drivers. I submitted a support ticket, so valve knows about the problem now.
I noticed lag increased a lot after the update, I can no longer play dust at 1280*1024.