Problem Connecting to servers


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Whenever i try to play steam, everything runs ok until i click on a server to play it, the loading window pops up and it says "Establishing network connection to server" and it loads 1 box on the loading bar and then it doesn''t move any further. I alt+tab out and i click on Monitor and it doesn't say its downloading.

So if its not downloading.........why wont it connect to any server?
Also i can't seem to connect to the Friends network either.
I have the same anoying problem!. I can play on LAN servers and even play on the internet when i go to a LAN place, but at home it stops at the exact same spot "Establishing network connection to server" and it never connects.
Any help would be kool... i miss CS!
This may sound obvious, but it seems it's having trouble establishing a connection to the server.

Have you got firewalls etc. which could cause a problem like this?
or maybe its downloading a map? i know if im downloading a CS map it shows a progress indicator, but when im connecting to an OP4 server, and i don't happen to have the map, it doesn't show the progress indicator.. so ur left there kinda wondering whats going on.. when infact its downloading the map u don't have..

anyway just thought i'd point that out.