Problem converting TGA to VTF



Ok, I've followed every guide I can find, and downloaded multiple versions of ZIP and RAR files containing the vtex conversion programs.. and everytime I try to convert my TGA I get an error :( . This is what happens:

G:\Documents and Settings\Donkey\My Documents\Games\Half Life 2\vtex animation>
vtex.exe -mkdir -shader LightmappedGeneric hl2\materialsrc\animated\spray.txt
input file: hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray
Problem figuring out outputdir for hl2/materialsrc/animated/spray
Hit a key to continue

I've tried moving the vtex folder so the pathname isn't as long (eg C:\vtex animation), I've tried doing non animated sprays, everything. Gah. I am sure my TGA files are 32bit/pixel as well.. I can't figure this out. :rolling: :angry:
Ok, out of desperation I copied everything over to another PC in the house (didn't change the files one bit) and.. what do you know.. it works. o_O I'm still puzzled as to what the heck the problem is however, so any info on that would be helpful.
all of the dimations have 2 be to the power of 2 eg frame sizes u can use
256x256 (1 frame)
128x128 (5 frames)
92x92 (a lot of frames)
64x64... remember, the larger the size, the less frames you'll be allowed to have, your final spray needs to be under 120kb.
Fixed Animation Spray Convert

I had the same problem then I did this:

Copy the hl2 folder and the tga2vtf.bat from the vtex folder to
place the targas (pictures you made (128x128 32bit compressed spray00#.tga)) in
run bat file and your vtfs will be in
Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\materials\sprays

If you don't have the proggie go to my site and hit the Connact Me link and I'll email it to you.
Don't ask me why, but it works. Have fun makin 'n' sprayin :cheers:
