problem whit videos in my PC...the colors look weird


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
is just that some videos on my PC looks whit diferents colors

for example what is supossed to be red is light blue or something and before my PC was reformated it didnt looked like that

but no all the videos hav that problem,the ones that hav it are the one that works whit the windows media player

btw when I run a avi video just appear sound and no video

any help is aprecciated
The video's probably require a specific codec that you don't have. - GSpot - A good program for seeing what codec is need, you open a video file with this program, and it will tell you what video and audio codecs are required, so if the codec pack below doesn't work, this will tell you what you need exactly, and you can just use that info in google to get the rest. like "<codec needed> download" in google search. - For a good Codec pack, get the full install, I recommend getting Media Player Classic also, it is a good program... but sometimes players are more of a personal choice, so try some out.