problem with glass texture and decals.

  • Thread starter Thread starter quezako
  • Start date Start date



I have a big problem with a map I made.

I don't know if it's due to missing client textures, light or cubemap.

Here are the diffrent examples :

On my computer.

On another computer.

And the wrost !!!
Here are the concerned textures:
"material" "CS_ITALY/IRONGATE01"
"material" "GLASS/GLASSWINDOW070A"
"texture" "cstrike/{sitea"
"texture" "cstrike/{siteb"
"texture" "decals/{arrow_l"
"texture" "decals/{arrow_r"
"texture" "decals/{target"

Maybe it's due to double sided glass?
when you say double sided glass, did you have the glass texture on more than one side?

It should only be on one side I think.
I dunno, I'll try but its funk_breakable, not funk_breakable_surf.
Ok I created my own glass shader so now they are white.
I created reflection effetcs for marble and stainless metal too!

Now I have one last problem before releasing my map:
My default env_cubemap is strange, it looks like a square and not like reflections.
When I add a env_cubemap to my map, the same thing happens.
How do I change it to have good reflection effetcs?

You have to add several env_cubemap entities in your level. Place them about at the height of the player's eyes and where lightning is different. Like if you have a dark room and a hallway and another room with a yellowish light, you'd place a env_cubemap in the room, in the hallway and in the other room. If it still looks bad, you can change the lightmap property of the texture.

Edit: And don't forget to type buildcubemaps in the console after loading your level, but I think you know that :)
Ok that was because I named my map de_rennes_v1_84a instead of de_rennes_v1.
Now I have the good reflections.

I haven't typed buildcubemaps so I did it.
And I get the following error message :(


Before this one, I had the sem with .txt instead of .vtf.

I created the directories materialsrc\maps\de_rennes_v1 by hand.
You put the vtf and vmt in your css materials folder too right?
I guess the texture you use in hammer is in a folder called maps/de_rennes_v1. Create a folder in counter strike source/cstrike/materials/maps/de_rennes_v1 (notice the maps folder) and put your texture that were in the materials/de_rennes_v1 to that directory.
I'm going crazy!!! :(

Now when I add cubemaps, the game crashes.
If there is no ciubemaps I have a lot of red messages in the console like this one:

env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: de_rennes_v1/ccc_glass9

previous versions of my map worked with cubemaps and displayed them well...
I found it!
It was because I had only one cubemap.

Ok ow I have one last non-blocking problem:
Reflexions are too big!

cubemaps size 128x128
number of cubemaps: 8
my glass shader:
	"$basetexture" "Models/props_trainstation/trainstation_clock_glass001"
	//"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
	"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
	"$surfaceprop" "glass"
	//"$envmapmask" "glass/glasswindow070a_mask"
	//"$envmapmask" "Models/props_trainstation/trainstation_clock_glass001_mask"
	"$translucent" 1
	"$lightmaptint" 0.1


and for this one, when I don't caclulate light (fullbright), reflection is correct, otherwise, with light, here is the result:

But the major problem is the 1st screenshot.
How comes