Problem with my 9600 XT - PLEAZ HELP


Sep 27, 2003
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I just got a new 3d card, the GeXcube Radeon 9600 XT 128 DDR VIVO.

And when i watch a video, or play music, the audio loops for a second, and the video pauses. This happens for about 1 second and then resumes. This is constantly happening, even if i just play music.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong? I have the latest Catalyst drivers installed.

My specs are: AMD Athlon XP 1900+ ( OC'ed to 1.9 ), 512 DDR pc 2700, and the Radeon.

I also have a problem trying to get Multi Media Center's 'TV' option working. Its sposed to let me watch stuff with my Video In, but the program just wont open, and it tells me to check my drivers. I have looked around, but no one seems to be able to tell me how to fix it.

I use a Shappire 9600XT and use 4.1 CATS with no problem, all you need is the display panel with the drivers and your set. With my S-video I cannot view media like videos unless I set my tvto the main screen, try that? With the audio loop it might be your soundcard? I had an SB liev 5.1 that would do that in games.