Aight guys i downloaded the new cats and it screwed every aspect of my pc up. No games would load. It seems as if the drivers was missing all of the direct 3d and open gl files. I thought it was the catalyst control center, seeing that i had problems with it, when first released. Soo i redownloaded the 4.10's with the regular control panel. I found the same problems- NO GAMES and windows laggs like crazy and random corruption appears. It seriously takes 4 seconds for the start menu and submenus to come up and even then it takes 3 seconds to fade into view and i have the fading menus turned off.... I did a system restore to the 4.8 everything blazed again.... i redownloaded the 4.10's-installed-rebooted and holy shit here we go again. This is beyond me any help PLZ.....