Problems With ATI 3D Settings (Direct3D)

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I've had this problem before but I thought it was resolved with the new 3.10 drivers but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, on the 3D settings, under Direct3D I switched the AA and AF to application preference when I went to play Halo so they would both be disabled. Then when I switch it back off and turn back on 4x AA and 16x AF it still has it disabled. It shows it as on (attatchment) but when I play games I can see all those jaggies and everything. Has anyone else expericened this problem? What can I do to fix it?
I imagine you're testing these settings with a D3D game, not an OpenGL game.
Do you run your games at 16 or 32bpp? I think FSAA doesn't do anything unless you run games at 32bpp.

Edit: My speculation on the FSAA not functioning on 16bpp may or may not be true, I believe I read that somewhere; I could however be wrong. You might as well check it out though
I run it at 32bpp I'm pretty sure but it worked before I changed the settings on the Direct3D and then when I tried changing them back their stuck that way even though it shows they're not.
Bah, can't edit anymore. But anyway, the only way I know how to fix this is to uninstall and reinstall the Catalyst drivers but I don't want to have to do that every time I play a game I don't want AA and AF on.
The same has happened to me with UT2k3, I don't know how to fix the problem.
I filled out a thing on ATI's feedback page. Do they really look at that stuff and try to fix it? I hope they see mine.