Problems with skeleton/bones...


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey, basiclly I'm developing a mod for one of my Univercity Modules, its my responability to take care of the animation and rigging for the team. The problem is I'm pulling my hair out with getting an animation rig to work.

Basiclly, we are making a single player mod for the Orange Box, the NPC characters will be Slave, Solider, Scientist. I was initially going to be using a custom rig and redo all the animations. But looking into it I realised how little time I have along side my final year project. This means I want to use a lot of the existing animations for Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and simply add in what I need.

Now, the problem I'm having is getting a skeleton to rig with custom controllers. Not only that, but getting a skeleton to skin the characters and get them ingame.

I managed to decompile the Half-Life 2 Combine Solider, BUT! Does the skeleton change from the initial release of Half-Life 2 to its more recent release, Episode 2 (Orange Box).

Basiclly I just need some help clarify exactly what I should be aiming for... as my idea right now is

Solider = Combine Skeleton
Scientist = Civilian Skeleton
Slave = Civilian Skeleton (Using custom animations)

The other major problem I'm having apart from figuring out if I can use older skeletons (not orange box) is actually decompiling the Orange Box models, I have tried for weeks just keep getting error after error. I googled all of them with no answers. Hense why I'm here seeing if I can use older skeletons to work with the orange box.

If anyone has any general help they could give on practical work flows to achieve what I'm aiming for I would be so greatful. You dont need to tell me step by step. Just something I can go of to google with and figure things out.

We'll, you could try getting it to work in the Episode 1 Engine (the standaard HL2) and just copy the re-compiled model over to the Orange Box ... I think this should work. But like you say, the rig might have changed making the model and rig unusable... Post the results!
Good luck,
