Processor Overclocking

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, Mr. I-Know-Shit-About-Hardware here.

After Tredoslapmeh asked if it'd be safe to over clock his 1.8GHz processor to a 2.0 I said, I don't know, might be risky but probably safe.

But that brought up a good question in my mind...

I have an Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz, can I overclock it, is it worth it, is it dangerous, and how do I do it?
dude i am able to clock my 2.4 near to 3.0...

just do it really slowly.. 2 nothces at a time max, and wait a day in between bumping it up.
is it an a b or c?

Your best bet it to type 'p4 2.66 overclock' in google and read some forums or whatever else comes up.

Overclocking is safe, if you did it too much it just wont work, the danger part if getting it ti work but having it run too hot for too long.

it also depends on your ram and motherboard.

at defalt your ram and cpu are the same fsb, lets say 133 for example

this is called 1:1, they are both at 133

if you up the cpu without upping the ram it will run worse.

you can use other ratios like, 5:4 or 3:2.

to overclock you will want a new fan, but stock will work if its small.

you overclock it in the bios (holding DEL while booting up)

look for guides on google, as well as some results from people with similar set ups.

to answer if its worth it, it all depends on how high you get it.

a if you went to 150fsb and 140 on ram, you'd be running a bit faster, but at 5:4

if you got a good chip, like a 2500+ or a p4 2.4c then you can crank them up to past 3ghz easily.

hope this helps.
He asked you ""How to do it"
Edit:NVM, im gonna use this, I have 512 ram, is that okay?
2.66 is B, 533 FSB. Normal 2.6 is C. You can never ask people how far you can OC. Every single CPU will have different results. Lets start off with this: Is your comp prebuilt? Does it have sufficient cooling? What is your mobo? What is your RAM brand and speed?

If you want to know what mobo you have and RAM, etc. D/l SiSoft SANDRA.
I cant answer that with out knowing more.

you do it by adjusting things (see FSB) in the bios.
Chris or Tred, IM me at SGTIgneri on AIM. Itll be much easier to explain all this there.
I have 8 slots of 256mb 333MHz PC2700 DDR Ram in my PC, but I only know that because I asked the manufacturer. It was pre-built by Medion, relatively unknown but certainly one of the cheapest, best and most stable computers I've ever found. Only problem I had was with the blaster worm. Nothing else at all apart from the odd Windows crash.

I'll get back to you on the other details.

I think my PC already has extra cooling, but it does actually get rather hot at the back on the side of the case.
by ram speed i mean: PC3200, PC2700 also called PC333 and PC266 ect.

Chris D you have 8 sticks of ram in there?
No I have 1 stick of RAM. But I believe it can hold upto 8 on the mobo. The RAM is PC2700 333MHz apparently.
chris d i dont think your gonna get too much out of it, maybe 100mhz or so, and it will get a bit hot, if your gonna go ahead wiht it leave the case door off and keep checking the temps

Tred you can download Sisoft or there is some other program i had that told you everything i forgot what its called.
there may also be a sticker on your ram that says what speed it is
Ahh well I was hoping to get it up to 3GHz. I'll probably leave it then.

I'll think about it tomorrow.

night lads, thanks for the help.