Programs to download album artwork?


Jan 7, 2006
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I'm looking for some free programs that can download album artwork, the closest thing I found to be free was Iartwork, it was okay, but I'd rather not spend 10 bucks on something that just searches artwork, so, anyone got any suggestions? :)

Seriously, type in the album name in google images, works every time!

Seriously, type in the album name in google images, works every time!

This definetly.

I used iArtwork but it didn't last long and on some occasions it replaced existing album artwork. For example, I had an album with the title "Shoes" with album artwork I got from iTunes, but then iArtwork replaced it with "Ballet Shoes" and so I got pissed.

One morning, I decided to organise my iPod by searching the song name's on Wikipedia, finding the album information, correcting it on my iPod and then grabbing the artwork from Wikipedia and copied it onto my iPod.
It may be a pain, but sit down with something to drink and do it one evening.
the winamp one is cool because it automatically puts it in the right folder, but it could only find popular CD covers for me. Plus it was too slow to search IMO.