Project IM!


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
A new game surfaced today called Project IM and it appears to be a futuristic FPS game. However according to Game Trailers it's coming to all the next gen consoles as well including the Revolution.

The Trailer:

The Site:

Some Screenshots:






Not on the website it says Next Generationc Computergame so it might not really come out on the consoles. listed this game for all three of the next gen consoles as well but it is unknown as to where they got their information from.
hmm, it actually intrigues me. I definitely like the look of it graphically, even if the skins and models didn't seem super-detailed. I just wish the trailer had more game footage.
I like it's look - and those screens scream proprietary engine, which I'm always glad to see.
JNightshade said:
I just wish the trailer had more game footage.

It's actually a teaser, so I didn't expect much gameplay in the video. :)

Looks very good, although I don't really like the design on the weapons in the first picture. They look good in first person view though.
That looks sleek. I love it so far.

love it love it love it

hopefully it comes out and its good and i get to play it in this lifetime
It's got an odd feel to the graphics - like they are REALLY good claymation or something - I can't quite put my finger on it.
Adabiviak said:
It's got an odd feel to the graphics - like they are REALLY good claymation or something - I can't quite put my finger on it.

It looks kind of fresh. Looks new. I really can't wait to see if this is going to be a great game or a great disapointment.

Hype meter 10/10


After taking a second look at the screenshots It looks even sweeter than I remembered. I like the look just how it is honestly.
...and the video - what was that? Those models sure look good standing very still in that uber-pose. Good thing they stuck those six frames of action in! The last quarter of video was text.
It's cause the graphics are very good, but the proportions are a bit odd. At least that's the impression I got from it.
Wow that looks kickass!

Cant wait for more info!
I saw a HD version of the trailer and it looks good. They only thing I don't like is how the soldiers look like they're some kind of generic soldier from the future. But this game looks good!
The inspiration from F.E.A.R. seems to have gone a bit too far with the mechanized robot and soliders…
Solaris said:
Project Instant messenger?

lmao thats the first thing I thought when I saw the thread title :laugh:

Speaking of IM, my brother, who is a programmer at AOL(America Online), said he just got finished working on the latest update of AIM (aol instant messenger) that is now available to the public.

I'm not sure If I'm allowed to say this but he said he hid an easter egg in it... (can't tell you what or how)
Your brother is a programmer at AOL and you haven't completely distanced yourself from him? Shame on you! If my brother ever programmed for AOL, I'd castrate him with a spork. Sure, he's only fourteen, but still.
I must say, it looks REALLY generic.

I think I drew a concept sketch of that mech in like.....5th grade.
DarkStar, I have to totally agree with you.
It looks WORSE than generic imo.
In terms of graphics, it looks good. But I have to admit the soldiers and giant mech looks generic. I'm not sure about the guns. They look nice, but they seem to be inspired by FEAR. There isn't enough information on this game to tell.
That's a tall order, making this game better than F.E.A.R., with so few details in the environments and off-proportion characters. Maybe they'll release a demo that we can play.

HAHA THEY'RE MIDGETS :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Seriously though, there is something about that picture that just isn't right.
Yea they look like little toys in the screenshots. As short as they look, the mech behind them isn't much taller, and makes everything look like toys.
honestly the texturing seems rather bland :-\

otherwise some great images
If it has motion blur like Perfect Dark Zero, I'll buy it
how the hell do you guys get so excited for a game from a few screenshots and the generic "dark sci-fi" plotline and feel :|

something new please.. for ****S SAKE
FictiousWill said:
I like it's look - and those screens scream proprietary engine, which I'm always glad to see.
Unreal 3 engine :smoking:

I was reading about this earlier today, I can't remember where, but I'm sure it said it was using the U3 engine.
babyheadcrab said:
how the hell do you guys get so excited for a game from a few screenshots and the generic "dark sci-fi" plotline and feel :|

something new please.. for ****S SAKE

Actually you know i hate to keep chiming in here and praising this game that i know nothing about, but its so generic that its almost new

Games like halo and doom created a whole new kind of generic.
Every single game of this style does the green armored halo or doom good guy marine of the future style gear, but in this game they have some dark mercenary style going on.

Plus they don't have those corny lazer-tag railguns and super space guns.
Is it just me or did dark "Always have to turn on flashlight" games get old with Doom III? When are these people going to figure out lightbulbs?
I must say these are the first Next-Gen images that have made me romotely interested in next Gen hardware. And I can't quite place why.

That said however I like the efforts to make the locations believable. It looks like it could exist and apart from less than ideal character modeling (the gun looks great) it looks fine. Plus the images give off a very Deus Ex feeling. Which is also good.
MiccyNarc said:
Is it just me or did dark "Always have to turn on flashlight" games get old with Doom III? When are these people going to figure out lightbulbs?
Turn up the brightness on your monitor. Those screens aren't dark.
The footage is okay--not exactly mind-blowing by any means--but there is almost nothing in terms of next-gen gameplay to go on in that quick teaser. Big deal if it has great graphics--a next gen game should, but what besides that sets it apart from any game we are currently playing or have been playing for years? I'll reserve judgement until we hear anything even remotely informative about it.
VictimOfScience said:
The footage is okay--not exactly mind-blowing by any means--but there is almost nothing in terms of next-gen gameplay to go on in that quick teaser. Big deal if it has great graphics--a next gen game should, but what besides that sets it apart from any game we are currently playing or have been playing for years? I'll reserve judgement until we hear anything even remotely informative about it.
You play with midgets

Why do people always compare games? How does this look ANYTHING like fear?

****ing ridiculous!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Why do people always compare games? How does this look ANYTHING like fear?

****ing ridiculous!
I personally just think it looks pretty generic so far, but we can tell precious little from the extremely brief tidbit we have been shown to date. Maybe it'll shape up into something really great...maybe.
looks like FEAR (not a bad thing) ...getting kinda sick of corridor crawls though