Project Trico Screenshots! (Team ICO’s third game)

I have to say, the graphics look ugly. The lighting is looking pretty good though.

EDIT: the graphics look better in the video than they do in the pictures. Not to mention that the animal movements look incredible! However, I'm not sure the story will be very interesting, but it may be too early to tell.
Oh wow, that looks absolutely fantastic.

*pressures PS3 owning friend to purchase*
I have to say, the graphics look ugly. The lighting is looking pretty good though.

Everything you're looking at has been leaked, probably from an alpha version of the game. I doubt many of the assets are finished. Even as is, I'd say they've managed to retain the unique "feel" of the visuals from Ico and SotC.
is that the kid from Ico?
It's CatBirdRat.

a Cardat?

anyways, looks very promising
i still have yet to play Shadow of the Colossus but i hope to start it this weekend
either way, this looks to be yet another reason for me to consider buying a PS3 :P
I wonder if they'll be showing a finished trailer at E3? The boy's model is the only thing in it that looks out of place, so it may very well be a placeholder, and not just incomplete textures.
this is actually the only PS3 game I'm looking forward to (i don't own a ps3) - I personally don't like Kojima's work, nor killzone 2 bullshit
There are far more quality games on the PS3 than the 2 you've detailed...
Cheers to that. :cheers:

Also, one does not play Team Ico's games for the story; one plays them for the emotional and spiritual journey that they let you experience.
That kid had horns, this kid does not (unless they add them in later).
Since the game is still early stages, I'd say wait to see if they are added in. It would make a lot of sense considering...
Looks amazing and I love the basic premise and theme I got from the video. The animations were also superb.

The kid looked ... odd. He doesn't look like he fits in with the same art style as the rest of the game. The animal looked almost photoshopped in with the screenshots but the video was far more impressive.

I'm sure it'll be a great game, can't wait.
If that griffin ends up dying, I will be sad.

It just seems like something that might happen.

Looks nice, but there's a shitload of clipping, it seems to me like they shaved a kitten, put pingpong-balls onto it's back, then motion capped it.

Look at the feathers, they clip and change LOD -constantly-.
it looks so cheesy that it looks stupid...horrid music too.
That was amazing! :O

This has jumped up to my most anticipated game coming out now :D
Boy you Sony-boys sure are easily impressed.:D

Let's all remember about how Colossus ran at like -15- FPS on the PS2!:D
To each man his own I guess.

It was an... interesting game... I'll admit that, but it was hardly one of the best I've ever played.
This game is the main reason I own a PS3.

Looks nice, but there's a shitload of clipping, it seems to me like they shaved a kitten, put pingpong-balls onto it's back, then motion capped it.

Look at the feathers, they clip and change LOD -constantly-.

Because it's clear that they're 100% finished with the game engine and textures, right? Why is everyone under the impression that this is an official trailer?
Looks pretty cool for an alpha build. Its certianly got potential.
The prospect of this game, whatever it was going to be, was the only thing that that ever came close to tempting me into buying a PS3.

It looks great! Although the protagonist's proportions seem to be a bit cartoonish compared to those of the previous games...? That could be because he's a placeholder or because they're going for more of a feelgood vibe than in ICO or SotC - a guess based solely off the music and the presence of the lovable DogRatBird thing - but I think they could still accomplish that by tending towards the bleak aesthetic of SotC.

And what's this BS about not playing Team ICO's games for the story? ICO and SotC are a couple of the best examples of minimalist storytelling that exist in gaming.
I hope it's more like Ico than SotC. I liked them both but I prefer Ico's climbing/platformer puzzles.
Vid is a year old. Even the music is taken from 'Miller's Crossing'.
If I'd have to pick a PS3 game I'm hyped for, it'd be Heavy Rain.
Vid is a year old. Even the music is taken from 'Miller's Crossing'.
Yup. Confirmed. Plus, it is now speculated that this vid was leaked on purpose so that the one they show at E3 will blow everyone away with how far they have come in over a year. Should be pretty good times. These games do not disappoint.

If I'd have to pick a PS3 game I'm hyped for, it'd be Heavy Rain.
Seconded. I have dangerously high hopes for that one. Oh, and White Knight Chronicles. :E
Yup. Confirmed. Plus, it is now speculated that this vid was leaked on purpose so that the one they show at E3 will blow everyone away with how far they have come in over a year. Should be pretty good times. These games do not disappoint.

Doesn't compute. How do you leak a 1 y.o. video? I am daft so please explain this to me.
it looks so cheesy that it looks stupid...horrid music too.

I also think a giant cat monster running through a temple after a young boy is cheesy. Oh yeah, you can't read this.
Doesn't compute. How do you leak a 1 y.o. video? I am daft so please explain this to me.
So the video has been around a while internally or to a very specific and hush-hush audience. Now it is not. PSLS was finally given the go-ahead to "leak" it out.

Hype ensues over vid of early build-->E3 will crush it with a better vid-->before release game is critically hailed as masterful-->units sell like mad. (That's the idea at least....)