prolems with envmask

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm trying to figure out how to add some shine to a certain part of my texture and so I went to the valve wiki page and found some information about it.

About half-way down it says:
"Masking a material with a normal map
Save the mask into the alpha channel of your normal map."

So my question is how do i save my _mask .tga into my normal map? Is that something i do in photoshop or what? How do i go about doing that?
You copy and paste your black and white specular map into the alpha channel of your normal map image. Create an alpha channel in the channels selection if you havn't already got one and place that image in there, then save it and voila it's saved into your normal map.

Adobe photoshop 7 needs a plugin for it to work, other versions work fine.

Then when you make your .vmt insert the lines

"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1

Everything should work.