Proof that the Hitboxes are wayoff

Also WRONG!!

this should be deleted from the internets, it's so wrong.
Hitboxes are fine FYI.

I love the music he picked for this video. lol
When my ping is good my shots always hit their mark. Hitboxes are fine. Any problem I've ever had has stemmed from having a slow computer.
an some1 show me the current hit box
Those are current. But I don't think you understand what you saw. (if you do then we are on the same page and ignore this)

Watch this video. (I posted this above)
In this video he shoots the wire frame and gets nothing and then aims at the real model and gets a hit. Hitboxes are accurate, don't let the wire frame fool you (server side which is out of sync). If you still don't understand then rewatch that video, pay attention and read.
Yeah, if you run a LAN server and leave server-side synching off, you get that.
Not to mention the hitboxes on bots CAN be off, he was playing some in that video if you watch closely. :p
WOW that vid. is like a million yrs old, but really, i have found minimal problems w/it. Not even worth mentioning though...
No lag against real players.

But Bots are genuinely buggered and need to be sorted out somehow :(
WOW this thread. is like 3 weeks old, but really, i have found minimal problems w/it. Not worth bumping though...