Prop_Phys and other quirks/problems.


Nov 21, 2004
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Well so I built a very simple map to test things. "Gordon-In-A-Box". I was just refreshing my memory of basic things like scripted_sequences and such. So in the beginning I have to armed guards keeping an eye on the G-man who is sitting in a chair. The chair is prop_physics, does spawn, and works. Just like the couch in another section of this room. Except for one quirk: They're invisble unless you litterally crouch on top of them. Then they get faintly translucent. Any thoughts? Also, despite placing the couch a few units from the wall in Hammer, it appears exactly on the other side of the entity who is supposed to be sitting on it. Strange. The last quirk is that when you place an npc_* under Model you can see a preview off all the animations. The npc_metropolice (CP) have an animation called APCidle. I attempted to use this via a scripted_sequence, but the console says that it does not exist. Also the same with "baton_idle"... any thoughts? One final question while I have your attention. There is a file in .../gman_misc/ called "gman_03.wav" I believe. It is the line "The right man in the wrong place can make all the diiiiiference in the world." Is their away to make my Gman say that line? Thank you for your time.
oh that fading thing is down to the fade distance settings in the map and/or the object. I was screwing around with that in hammer, its pretty useful
Nothing like missing an option like that. Thank you for that one.