

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I have been looking for a 1/2 decent tutorial on basic physics props with out much luck. Does anyone have a link to a tut or a basic .qc that i can edit?



Got it compiled using

$modelname models/props/illominationtest

$model studio "prop_illominationtest.smd"

$cdmaterials models/props

$surfaceprop "metal"

$sequence "idle" "prop_illominationtest" loop fps 1

$collisionmodel "prop_illominationtest_phy.smd" {
	$mass 15.0
	$inertia 1.00
	$damping 0.00
	$rotdamping 0.00

The model has appeared in hammer and model viewer but once in game there is nothing there. Is this a common problem?
You forgot the line "$staticprop".

Even though you want it to be a prop_physics it still needs this line as it doesn't have any animations or other stuff.
I put staticprop in the qc but it still dosnt seem to want to apear ingame. Kind of confusing me that is concidering it appears in MV and hammer.
If it's not appearing in game then I'm pretty sure it will be the material base ie. 'metal.medium' if that isn't set right it often results in an invisible object in the game. You should still beable to bump into the object though.

If it's still physically there so you can bump into it, it's most likely the base material class that isn't set right.
I've had this problem before but can't remember what caused it. I'm guessing it's the physics model though. The only thing I can really do to help is give you this code. I've noticed a few things different but I don't know if they'd cause this problem.

$modelname "models/props/illominationtest.mdl"
$model "Body" "prop_illominationtest.smd"
$cdmaterials "models/props"
$surfaceprop "metal"
$sequence idle "prop_illominationtest" loop fps 30.00
$collisionmodel "prop_illominationtest_phy.smd.smd"
	$mass 15.0
	$inertia 1.00
	$damping 0.00
	$rotdamping 0.00

I've filled in your models details in so you can just copy it to a QC file. If this doesn't work then it might be a problem with the model itself.
Hm, well in my experiance the only thing that made models not appear in the game was the prop data being incorrect not the physics model, because otherwise if it was the physics model it would generally not compile anyway and tell you the error.

It's often an error in the prop data that make props invisible in game.

$keyvalues { "prop data" { "base" "metal.medium" } }

try that line after $surfaceprop.

That only really applies to physics models.. but also it's worth noting that recently if you compile a prop accidentally as a prop_physics and then try to overwrite it as a prop_static afterwards, it doesn't change, unless you change the model name which is quite odd.
Seems to want to be abit of a pain in the arse today, I tryed using your qc sandra, a small error on the phy model "smd.smd" which i sorted but when i compile with that i dont even see the model in hammer. Also tryed my origanal qc with $keyvalues command in with no luck. The model is again there in hammer but not in half life2.
I don't really know what to suggest. I could take a look at it if you want. Be easy to find the problem that way.

The only time I use a $keyvalues is for models that are breakable or use special things like wire constaints. I don't think this problem is linked to it though.
Here are the two .smd's and the texture.

ahg shit i cant upload them here as its over 100kb.

email or somthing?
I don't think this problem is caused by what you're doing but a problem with Hammer or the compile tools. I just tried it and a any physics model that's custom won't appear but normal HL2/CSS ones will. They will appear as static though.

I don't know of any solution to this. Someone with more Hammer knowledge may be able to help, or that it's just another Valve ****-up. :|