Props are falling Help



I have just started using Hammer and I put a couple of chairs and a table on my map but whenever I start it up all the props fall over. I have the table and chairs set on prop_physics is that wrong cause some of the other prop types I tryed werent working either.
No I thought the fact that they were I few feet below ground might be the problem but that wasnt it either. Above, Below, Ground level it doesnt matter they still fall.
Are they standing up straight ?

Any weird angles ?

Most props will fall to the ground when you start a map. If it is the Falling that annoys you, un-tick their flag, "Fall To Ground" I think it is. That should make them "teleport" to the ground.
"Fall to Ground" on the Flags? Under flags in the object editor I only have about 10 selections.
ahh, too right. Err, not much you can do about it really. Unless you set motion disabled, and then tick the flag, enable motion on player bump (something similar to that)
Does "start asleep" bring the model to the ground in-game?
Maybe the models are clipping with each other so when the game starts they bounce off?
Does 'fall to ground' or 'teleport' mean also 'fall on/teleport to top of other props'? So, if you wanted a mattress on a bed, and mattress is flagged to start asleep, the mattress will rest on the bed and not fall through to the floor or anything?