PS2, X-Box, PC battle

Which one would win?

  • PC

    Votes: 34 81.0%
  • PS2

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • X-Box

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Atari 2600

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gamecube

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Now I have been arguing with my friend for a while about how a pC is many times better that a PS2 or and X-Box.
I say to him:
[1] The games are 10 times better and the comtrol schemes are better.
[2] PCs can handle stuff PS2s and X-Boxes can't.
[3] PCs are more powerful.
[4] PCs are more versatile.
So on ad so forth.

So he said screw you. And I said also X-Boxes are better than PS2s.
For one reason:
[1] The graphics are better. With a GeForce 3 in there.

Now tell me your thoughts.
And please don't flame because this a a flame-bait thread but I just wanted to post the facts.

EDIT: Can Mods please put Gamecube? I forgot.
I have a suspicion that eveyone will answer PC....

...cause if u own a pc to access the net then u arn't retarded enough to think a crappy black box is better that the wonders of the beige box.
Well, my friend has a PC and some games but, he says games like Kindom Hearts(whick I call Kindom Farts) could beat HL2. I was like wtf dud get away from me.
Amiga first. PC second. Gamecube third.

EDIT: A mrBadger? What kind of games can we run on that? Is it upgradeable? Is it cheap? Where can I find one?:E
I can't cast my vote, because I love my xbox, pc, ps2, and gamecube equally for differnt reasons. They all have their plusses and minuses.
It's a tough one :)

I love my pc for clan matches and other online shooters :D

However, there are very few good, single player pc games (the fact that some ppl here rave about Max Payne 2, a very average game, speaks volumes)

For decent single player games (adventure,fighting, rpg, driving, sports, platform) consoles own pcs easily. It's also excellent fun playing video games with your mates in the same room :)

If I had to pick one console it'd have to be the DC - still the best 'party games machine' about - proof that gaming can be sociable. Then Game Cube, XBox and PS2 in that order.
PC is easaly the best, but I like plaiyng consoles simply because they offer a style of games that you just dont really find on your PC anymore.
Mr Badger owns.

Okay, PC. What other platform can you type out a backstory for your mod, while discussing on irc, meanwhile posting on this forum while simulteaniously modelling a gun for your mod and then arrange to play cs for a bit and do it? And then, later on, replay Max Payne, and then buy Max-Payne 2 and enjoy the brilliant single-player experience? ANd then type up a letter to someone? And...
My friend had a mrbadger console once....

It smelt all musky, and the older it got the worse it smelt...

We could never get a picture out of it when we plugged into into the tv through the "rear" port. Still we had fun...

After a few weeks his mum found it, and said it was unsuitable, so she burnt it....
no offense ray man, but this is a silly pole..

PC will be a runaway winnar!! :p :E
I had over $1,000.00 invested in a PS2, a sh|tload of games, Memory Cards, Controllers, controller extensions, online adapter, ect. ect. ect. ect.

I sold every bit of it for $500.00 bucks cash..

Went strait to Circuit City and bought a nice ass PC.. And I never looked back !!!!
ooohhh 'pc gamers vote for pc shocker'

To play the best games available you need to own all the consoles and a pc. It all depends what you're into - there is no 'best'.

'and then buy Max-Payne 2 and enjoy the brilliant single-player experience?'

roffle :) ... 'my pc costs 1000's of pounds and must have better games than a 200 pound console syndrome'
lol...everyones voted PC (not suprised), cause they rule everythin else.

I gotta get myself a mrBadger...i'm peeing my pants in excitment!! :|
Well there can be some PS2 fanboys on here I just wanted to see their opinion. Just wait until the peak hours.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Well there can be some PS2 fanboys on here I just wanted to see their opinion. Just wait until the peak hours.

thats when the children come out to play ;)
Well PC is my choice since it has much better graphic capabilies and has more options for control (you can always buy a PS2-like controller).

But I don't think it's a fair poll... consoles and PCs are completely different things. And keep in mind you pay like ten times the amount of a console for a PC.

If it was just the three consoles, I'd have to say they all have their ups and downs. It's just a matter of taste. I own a PS2 and a GC and I couldn't pick either one over the other.
PC is good for power users. The best system for fun gaming is Xbox.

PC makes games look great, but Xbox makes them fun. :afro:
consoles cant even touch a PC......considering you can buy a PC for what a new console would cost(when its first released)

I like the games for the PS2 better(including ps1 games also ...that means 1000s of titles to choose from) than Xbox..even if gfx on the xbox are better....
As far as console graphics are concearned X-Box is better by far !!! But when you talk about gam3 titles, Ps2 is much better in my opinion.. They offer more gory gam3s like GTA & Dead to rights.. But like I said in an earlier post.. There is nothing better then a high powerd PC running games like halo ( which BTW looks 1000 times better on PC then XB ), Counter-Strike, HL2, BF1942, and list goes on and on.. So save your money and get a PC instead of wasting it on consoles !!
consoles: the lowly gamecube, followed CLOSELY by PS2, and the atari 2600 kicks XBOX's little green ass. (as u can tell i don't like x-Cox)

real gaming: PC. Free multiplayer (usually), best grafix, controls, no specific company makes it (ie: PS2 = Sony only), let's u do other things than just playgames, have u noticed almost every game that sells well that aren't trademark characters (ie: Jak for PS2, Link for Gamecube, ....... I don't think X-BOX has one, cause master chief got on the PC) is ported to it, the list goes on
I de-h4xed the Poll, simply becuased SpuD got more votes than me ;(

I hate all consoles with a fiery passion, simply becuase I cannot control them...
Originally posted by thehunter1320
........Link for Gamecube.......

What about Mario?

Xbox is awesome, can't wait for Halo 2 + Live :D
PC hands down annahilates ANY console, no console stands a chance.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Now I have been arguing with my friend for a while about how a pC is many times better that a PS2 or and X-Box.
I say to him:

And I say to you...:

[1] The games are 10 times better and the comtrol schemes are better.

The control schemes are better for certain games. I don't think that you will disagree when I say that a pad is much better for beat 'em up games and such. Wind Waker, for example, wouldn't work really well with a keyboard. As for games being better... that's just your own preference. It can't really be used as an argument.

[2] PCs can handle stuff PS2s and X-Boxes can't.
[3] PCs are more powerful.
[4] PCs are more versatile.
So on ad so forth.

You don't understand what consoles are for. They are designed for virtually one purpose only: playing. Thus, they are easy to use and maintain. Games have virtually no bugs compared to their PC counterparts, and you don't need to mess around with hardware, configuration options and other technical problems. Plus, consoles are much cheaper.

So he said screw you. And I said also X-Boxes are better than PS2s.
For one reason:
[1] The graphics are better. With a GeForce 3 in there.

With consoles, it's the games that really matter. All the three consoles are roughly equal, so it all comes down to games.
With consoles there is a more 'physical' social side to it, like playing against your mates in the same room and talking to each other face to face
I used to be strictly console..then i got me a pc. I love pc games way more, main reasons being i always wanted to edit the game by making levels..etc. I havent gone back to my consoles yet and i wont intil a console game comes out with full modding/editing tools otherwise its not worth the money to me.
Can't really compare a PC to a console.
A PC is a lot more than a gaming machine in my opinion.

I usually play FPS and strategy games on my PC and the other types (driving, beatemup, partygames etc) on my PS2.
It's a great machine if you look at how old it is now, and there's thousands of excellent games to choose from.

X-Box and Gamecube are nice, but don't really have games i'm interested in.
I love gaming on the PC because of the freedom it gives you. You can make your own levels, change the look of the games, even modify them to make entirely new games and distribute them for free. Which is what has allowed Half-Life to survive for so long. The Half-Life we know would have never been possible without PC's.

PC's forever!
*sits back and watches PC slaughter the competition*

No contest :) I had my mates Xbox for the week just now with Halo and a bunch of other great games, clocked Halo and got bored of the rest quicker than you can say "XBOX PWNS!!1". PC is and will always be king ;)
Originally posted by simmo
I gotta get myself a mrBadger...i'm peeing my pants in excitment!! :|

where do i pre-order my very own mrBadger? :dork:

/me takes a look at the poll

"omg teh pc haxors r teh wiNNARS!!"