PS3 outselling Xbox360 in EU? Really? Eh?

Dec 2, 2004
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I just read an interview with Aaron Greenberg and hes saying sony is lying about selling more consoles in EU.

What about the recent claims that PS3 has outsold Xbox 360 in Europe?

I think it's not based on actual data. I think that's clear. We went and looked at independent sell-through data from companies like Chart-Track and GfK, and actual retail sell-through in actual consumers' hands. We have more than a million units than PS3. And that doesn't take into effect all the momentum behind our back. We've seen our sales double since the price drop.

Even GTA - in markets like the UK, the majority of sales of GTA are on Xbox. It is clear that when you look at actual independent sales data - not ours and not theirs - that we do have a larger install base.

So, exactly which company is lying here? MS or Sony?
Who really cares? They're both good consoles, and competition is only healthy because it drives the prices of the machines down.
Unless you have shares in either company, this is as relevant to our interests as Ronald McDonald contracting genital warts.
Ronald McDonald has contracted genital warts!?!?!?
Yeah, the spin on any of these announcements is UNREAL. Unless you know the rest of the surrounding facts then these would leave you alternately fapping and crying.

This article brings up the points that most casual readers don't consider like:
Saying that the Xbox 360 is "leading the charge in the U.S. and abroad" is also something of a stretch. The Xbox 360 has reportedly sold 19 million units worldwide, while the Nintendo Wii has sold 24.45 million units worldwide. "Xbox 360 has the largest global install base of any current-generation high definition gaming console, Wii excluded," the company clarified when asked about this discrepancy by Shacknews.

It must be nice to be able to simply remove the market leader from your calculations when you herald your position in the worldwide market, but making artificial distinctions like "high-definition consoles" vs. the Nintendo Wii is hard to defend. The Nintendo Wii has captured the imagination of the gaming industry this generation, like it or not, and the games and systems are sold right next to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in most electronics stores. When someone buys a Wii, they have less money to spend on the other "high-definition" systems; you can't draw a line around such a popular system and claim it doesn't matter in the market.

They are all great systems, but in the HD battle, exclusive software is going to make the real long-term difference--not multiplatform titles like GTA IV.
I think the bottom line is that they're actually selling about a similar ammount and claiming a clear victory in either case is preposterous.

To put my 2 Euro Cents in, the 360 is the only one of the three consoles that isn't ridiculously overpriced in the EU.
To put my 2 Euro Cents in, the 360 is the only one of the three consoles that isn't ridiculously overpriced in the EU.

This. The wii is the same price as a 360 and PS3 is still too expensive considering there is no BC and I'm still not sold on any of the games that are out but i'm looking forward to mgs 4 admittedly.
I'm just glad that one of my housemates is a rich enough chump to own the PS3 so I can play the few games that interest me. Though to be fair, he got his PS3 for about ?200 during a one off offer at some Belgian retailer, so it didn't hurt all that much to be ahead of the curve.

Personally, I really want a wii but the price point is probably the most unrealistic of the lot (it costs what, a third more in the UK than it does in Japan? What the ****?). Still sells like hot cake though. Even though a 360 is tempting, I'd always rather just have a good PC. Shame I'm too poor to have any of these things at the moment :P Back to the DS it is :)
meh.... i do wish for the next gen consoles that Sony M$ and Nintendo would all put their noggins together for a change and develop a single platform console...
[Matt], why? Competition drives prices down, if Sony/MS/Nintendo didn't have competition their respective consoles would probably have cost TWICE as much.
[Matt], why? Competition drives prices down, if Sony/MS/Nintendo didn't have competition their respective consoles would probably have cost TWICE as much.

Try and think it through ... DVD's have had a unified standard for years and it hasn't driven prices up. Do you really think having to own one player for Universal movies and a separate one for Miramax would have caused DVD prices to go down, quality to go up, or really been beneficial to consumers at all? That's the ridiculous situation that the games industry is in right now.

A unified format decided by industry leaders would be perfect. You don't seem to understand the point of a unified format ... you seem to think that the other companies are going to just give up and one of the three current console developers are going to produce the next iteration of their console and everyone will have to bend to their will. That's just dumb. The way it would happen is if the industry decided on a shared standard (like DVD, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, SD cards, etc.) and licensed out the development of the hardware to other manufacturers. You'd probably start seeing consoles that were much closer to PC architecture and offered consumers greater choice of the type of entertainment device they wanted to buy, the idea being that high-end or low-end would still play the same games. Without such a high percentage of revenue going to a specific console manufacturer and a far large market, game prices would certainly drop.

The only people who wouldn't be in favor of this are spoiled children who are given enough money to buy every single console anyway, but you can't please everyone. Unfortunately they seem to have a fairly predominant presence on the internet.
For April: the Wii outsold the Playstation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, and Xbox 360... combined.

Surprising absolutely no one, Nintendo took the number one and two slots in hardware sales. The Wii sold 714,200 units while the Nintendo DS moved 414,800 units (third place sales go to the PSP with 192,700 units). This month the Wii outsold the Playstation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, and Xbox 360... combined.

While Grand Theft Auto IV took up the first (360) and third (PS3) slots in software sales, Mario Kart Wii came in number two with 1.12 million units sold in April. Frazier calls it "a classic example of counter-programming." Wii Play came in number four with 360,000 units sold, Super Smash Bros. Brawl came in at number five with 326,000 units, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness and Time came in at numbers seven and eight, with both games selling 202,000 units. Guitar Hero III took the number nine slot with 152,000 units. All told, Nintendo games took up six of the top ten games for April.

Microsoft may choose to say that it's not competing with Nintendo, and that's probably a smart move. No one is even coming close to matching these sales numbers.