PS3 (the sleeping giant)

PS3 quiet giant

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • Still sleeping or in a coma

    Votes: 12 24.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 19, 2004
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Who thinks PS3 is going to turn around the gaming industry v xbox 360 and wii and pc.
Start selling more? Yes

Actually change the industry? I doubt it
Sony execs?

I honestly don't know what you're getting at here. You mean that it will outsell them in the long-run? It's possible. This is exactly what happened with PS2. It may or may not happen with the PS3, depending on consumer preferences and changing prices.
Blue-ray won't become the next format. Too many people have dvd's and dvd players. Blueray players are still expensive. Solid State media will be the new 'dvd'.
What about blu-ray. Sony owns this technology.
Yeah, them and a bunch of other big players: said:
Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD), is the name of a next-generation optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson).

The PS3 will sell a lot more units, esp. when more BIG games come out and they decide to drop their price (both next year). Next year will be very interesting for them. I don't see too much happening with the others that is not happening already: interest in the 360 is steady all over the world and interest in the Wii is ridiculous all over the world. I think by the time the next generation of consoles launches, the Wii will have sold through the most units, then the PS3, then the 360. The PS3 just has more big titles ahead of it while the other guys have not been heard from regarding much of late. Maybe there are some great secrets out there, but no one knows about them yet.

I don't see too much of a sea change going on here though. I am not sure what will cause that, though Nintendo is encouraging more players of more various age groups than anyone ever has, so it's a step in the right direction.
Yeah, them and a bunch of other big players:

The PS3 will sell a lot more units, esp. when more BIG games come out and they decide to drop their price (both next year). Next year will be very interesting for them. I don't see too much happening with the others that is not happening already: interest in the 360 is steady all over the world and interest in the Wii is ridiculous all over the world. I think by the time the next generation of consoles launches, the Wii will have sold through the most units, then the PS3, then the 360. The PS3 just has more big titles ahead of it while the other guys have not been heard from regarding much of late. Maybe there are some great secrets out there, but no one knows about them yet.

I don't see too much of a sea change going on here though. I am not sure what will cause that, though Nintendo is encouraging more players of more various age groups than anyone ever has, so it's a step in the right direction.

I see. I wonder why SD cards can't be used as game media like they were with cateridges.
Digital distribution like Steam, D2D or the technology Netflix is bringing to the market which allows you to download movies right to your TV will probably trump Blu ray in the long run if a new format doesn't do it first.

For the PS3 to really get traction, developers would need to leverage all of the mythical and mystical powers of the cell processesor if it actually is capable of such things. Otherwise it's just another console, but with BluRay capabilities.

I have a PS3 and I like it, but I consider it a whimpering giant more than anything else.
Blue-ray won't become the next format. Too many people have dvd's and dvd players. Blueray players are still expensive. Solid State media will be the new 'dvd'.
Great post because it's very true, Blu-Ray will not replace DVDs, heck Apple is even basically 'abandoning' Blu-Ray, not even in the most expensive Apple computers do you have the option to decide to include a Blu-Ray drive, and Blu-Ray is selling very poorly compared to say DVD players.
Blu-Ray is gaining power, but it's a long way from being an essential and as far as home computing goes, it currently has little actual application. DVD will die, but its death will be very slowly drawn out, just as HD TV won't eradicate Digital TV (in the UK) for as much as a decade or so, (especially given that Digital never even did away with Terrestrial). The content delivery market will certainly grow in this time, but as the real winner of the HD format war? People are still going to want the disc copies of at least some of the things they own, even if digital distribution certainly has a place in the future of home video. They don't have to entirely oust each other.

The PS3 will benefit from its BR playing capabilities, but an extra ?100 down for 'bonus' game-playing capabilities aren't going to tempt people unless there are enough exclusive titles to jilt the 360 which can be purchased with a standalone BR player for only a little more money (the end result being that you get a better BR player, and a games console that gets the less flawed version of whatever multi-platform title is doing the rounds).

The PS3 is a slow burner, but I don't think that matters this 'generation'. There is no 'wrong' console to back this time round (implication: there is no Saturn, Dreamcast, Gamecube).
The PS3 just has more big titles ahead of it while the other guys have not been heard from regarding much of late.

Fable 2, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, Mirror's Edge, Gears of War 2? And those are just the ones coming out now
I wouldn't say Blu-ray won't take over DVD because it is expensive. DVD was just as expensive after it was introduced. DVD may have been even more expensive because Blu-ray prices have fallen pretty quickly.
I see. I wonder why SD cards can't be used as game media like they were with cateridges.

It's a cost issue really, SD cards and cartridges are far more expensive than DVD's, that's why Microsoft are still sticking with DVD.

I think one of the main reasons Blu-Ray hasn't taken over yet is cause it's not as revolutionary. The difference between VHS and DVD was massive and well worth the investment, and you didn't require a new TV to take full advantage of it, unlike Blu-Ray. The PS3 is still a big player, but it's far from ever being a giant like it's forefathers the PS1 and 2. Nintendo have got their act together this generation, and the 360 has also started well.
Who thinks PS3 is going to turn around the gaming industry v xbox 360 and wii and pc.

No chance.

Certainly not gonna beat PC or Wii.

Perhaps if they somehow managed to steal all the exclusives. Which I don't expect to happen.
I think as a game system it will be 2nd. Mainly because it will probably last longer before its replacement comes. It seems to me that the Xbox360 has far higher excitement surrounding the console and its games with return customers buying more and more games (despite the hardware issues).

Although the PS3 is one of the only future proof Blu-ray players.
Blue ray is Beta all over again
think so?
There are $200 Blu-ray players and it has only been 2 years since the format was introduced.
DVD didn't do as well. It took 2.5 years to get to the $300 mark for DVD players.

A company who makes the machines to make optical discs has received more orders for Blu-ray machines than they did for DVD back when DVD was launched.
I hope the PS3 does terribly, so Sony sort their shit out and do a proper job with the PS4.
I think the PS3 is the best console of this generation...certainly play it more than my 360...

The only thing keeping them down is the lack of exclusives
Sony already lost the "first place" position in the market with the PS3 a loooong time ago. It all started with it's less-than-stellar launch line-up and Sony losing exclusivity with many of it's "heavy-hitter" franchises and developers. Bells and whistles don't matter in the console world if it doesn't have the games.

The PS3 is basically "just waking from a coma" right now only to find itself lagging in the race. The "arrogant hare who lost to the tortise" if you will since Sony relied too heavily on it's hardware to pull it through rather than the games.

Basically, it's place in the market depends on the success of it's launch.

BTW, I can count the games that I like on the PS3 on one hand.

Let's see, there's Resistance 1&2, Killzone 2, Rachet & Clank:FToD, hmmmmmm........ That's all I can think of.
Fable 2, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, Mirror's Edge, Gears of War 2? And those are just the ones coming out now
Yeah, but take Far Cry 2 and Mirror's Edge out of the picture because they are on the PS3 as well. Take out Left 4 Dead as well since it is not 360 exclusive. So you have Fable 2 and Gears of War 2. Not that stellar a lineup imho. Any big titles that you can think of for 2009? I can't think of any. Well, maybe the new Halo. :|

PS3 on the other hand has a stacked Holiday 2008/2009 with exclusives like Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, White Knight Story, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, inFamous, Twisted Metal PS3, the new Team Ico game and many many more.

My experiences on the 360 have been awesome, but I have only gotten a grand total of 4 games for the system in the years that I have had it. It has been a little disappointing. I may get rid of it altogether once I get my new PC early next year.
I was referring to both 360 and PC games, and nonexclusive still count. Anyways have no idea what's coming up later as I have done nothing to find out. Those were the ones that just came to mind.
I was referring to both 360 and PC games, and nonexclusive still count. Anyways have no idea what's coming up later as I have done nothing to find out. Those were the ones that just came to mind.
I make it a point to pay attention to just about every gaming site I can get my hands on and I cannot think of much in terms of future BIG 360 games. Their first-party is severely lacking and third-party exclusives have by and large gone the way of the dodo (with the annoying exception of timed exclusives).
I hope the PS3 continues to fail and Sony continues to take heavy losses.

I feel that strongly about the PS3... for many various reasons that evolved throughout the development and release of the console.
Still trying to decide which console to get. PS3 exclusives are very tempting but the extra $200 that would go into the PS3 I could get 2 new games for a 360.