PS3 To be super expensive?


May 27, 2004
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"I'm aware that with all these technologies, the PS3 can't be offered at a price that's targeted towards households. I think everyone can still buy it if they wanted to," said Kutaragi to a mostly Japanese crowd. "But we're aiming for consumers throughout the world. So we're going to have to do our best [in containing the price]."

Then Kutaragi issued a somewhat ominous warning. "I'm not going to reveal its price today. I'm going to only say that it'll be expensive," he stated.

Wow, how much do you think this George Foreman grill is gonna cost?
Probably £300 - £400. This thing is a beast.
Well the ps cost 600 whne it came out in holland, and there were no price warning+ everyone said it would cost 450. But the ps3 will have stiff competition who is going to go after their target group, namely microsoft, which is going to cut the price dramaticly.
So I say 2000,- euro's when it comes out here in holland. In the US it will probably be 57,- dollars or something like that.
It'll probably be anywhere from $400 - $600.
I dunno, sounds like it'll cost upwards of a grande.
Grey Fox said:
Well the ps cost 600 whne it came out in holland, and there were no price warning+ everyone said it would cost 450. But the ps3 will have stiff competition who is going to go after their target group, namely microsoft, which is going to cut the price dramaticly.
So I say 2000,- euro's when it comes out here in holland. In the US it will probably be 57,- dollars or something like that.
2000 euro?? No way in hell, 700 top.
There's no way it'll be upwards of $1000. At that price, you're almost better off building yourself a new kick-ass PC.
bvasgm said:
There's no way it'll be upwards of $1000. At that price, you're almost better off building yourself a new kick-ass PC.

Not really, anything on par with the PS3 would cost upwards of $2500, home built. Not to mention there are no games that utilize that kind of resources.
no problem for me, I m gettin the PS3 from the Black market (that is half price)

:D :D
Buy it from a computer retailers and hope they do the monthly payment £50 per week till the RRP has been met
I'm calling shinanigans on Sony.

It's a console. There is no reason for it to exceed $350. NONE. If it's priced $450-500, Sony has priced it right out of competition. I know many people willl stil buy it, but you can throw numbers similar to the PS2's sales right out the won't happen.

Further....all the tech hype this thing is getting.....from Sony, etc...Sony would get killed on the price of this console. As most have been saying, this is a 1000-1500 gaming rig home-built. If this thing, from a technological standpoint is everything that Sony has been spewing at us, they are going to break the bank. End of story. You can book it, when this thing is released, it will be between $300 and $350. No more, no less.

Look at the PSP, it's not working for them. There is an imminant price drop coming. It's sold well, but it is well below forecasts. Globally, the DS is owning it. Competetive pricing is getting more and more important and if they dare charge $500 for the PS3 they will be in some deep water.
$399 if they charge more than that there gonna lose a shitload of buyers to the 360, even tho id probably pay 500 for it
I agree with being around $350-500. Any more and they'd have to stick to rich kids and techno-geeks who probably won't even buy it because you can't Linux hack it like the Xbox....
Wasn't the PS3 going to come with a hard drive already installed with linux? Or is that a rumor?
auron said:
Wasn't the PS3 going to come with a hard drive already installed with linux? Or is that a rumor?
It's a rumor. Just watch the trends of their new products. The PSP uses UMD discs. They have "Memory Sticks," their portable printer uses special paper cartridges unlike others where you can buy ordinary 4x6 paper and load it in. For crying out f*** their new music store format uses some weird format that can only be played on Sony players...

SONY is proprietary format all the way.
In an interview with Impress PC Watch, Kutaragi disclosed that he plans to install the Linux operating system on the PS3's hard disc drive (HDD) so it will be recognized as a computer, rather than a mere console.
Having Linux on their hard drives is planned, although it probably isn't set in stone, it isn't a rumor.

SONY is proprietary format all the way.
The PS3 will be able to use SD cards, and Compact Flash, in addition to their proprietary memory stick.
I'll be getting a few at trade prices, will hold onto one for myself.
Considering that the PS3 won't have a HDD when you buy it, and that so many features have been cut so far, it really doesn't seem worth maybe $400. The Xbox 360 will be showcasing games that look exactly the same, it'll already be out and it'll be cheaper. It'll also come with a HDD when you purchase it. The PS3 looks like the worst buy so far :/
BluRay drive is gonna push the cost up! up! up!
It won't be outragiously expensive to buy. However its because Sony will probably be losing a lot of money on every unit sold to ensure that it can in fact have a competitive price.

In other words we won't notice any negative things at all until the generation after the PS3 when Sony decides it doesn't want to lose so much money producing a console again.
I agree with many of the posters already in that it should be around $399. They obviously know that they will have stiffer competition from MS this time around and can ill afford to lose too much market share to them. By cutting a bunch of the hardware from the release, they will certainly be bringing the cost down and what people who own a PS2 have EVER needed a HD? Not me to be sure. I don't get what the big deal about a hard drive is.

Yes, if Kutagari said PS3 is supposed to be a supercomputer, then yes, it should come with a hard drive, but remember, he (and that lunatic J. Allard) have said MANY ridiculous things this round and it will only get worse as November approaches. I don't give a squirt about the hype--In the end, as everyone(including me) has said ad nauseum, it comes down to games. It just depends on what you like! I am a huge fan of the games that the PS2 has given me and am still counting on one hand the games that truly impress me for the XBox, but that is just my feeling as a gamer. There are millions of gamers out there that feel differently and so they buy an XBox. I don't know why everyone takes it so personally....all of this competition is good for all of us as gamers!

And this up-coming generation should last a good deal longer than the previous one since the architecture is so much more complicated to code for...just ask Gabe Newell. It will take a while to get a game that really pushes the limits of the multicore design--I can't wait!!!

EDIT: Here it is from the horse(Kutagari)'s mouth. And if it costs ~$494 to make and they will be losing ~$95 or so on every console sold, that would put it around ~$399. Time will tell...
I'll pay whatever the price tag is if there are games to warrant it. So far nothing has been announced that either looks good, or isn't coming out on the 360 (which, so far, has a far more attractive line-up, will be cheaper, and almost certainly come with better online support)

It's no more expensive than upgrading your pc for the latest games though.
hate to say it...but the lack of advertisement/lack of game support for the ps3 isnt looking good.It seems microsoft actually has thrown money in the right places this time. We will see, got to wait until the consoles are actually out..

EDIT: Here it is from the horse(Kutagari)'s mouth. And if it costs ~$494 to make and they will be losing ~$95 or so on every console sold, that would put it around ~$399. Time will tell...

Now I see how consoles are so cheap, their strategy is to lose money!
simply put, there's almost no way, once again, that Sony's new console can live up to the hype. For me, the PS2 was a huge disappointment, except for a few games and I went back to my Dreamcast and N64 until the XBox and GC came out. I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest because the only console that peaks my interest right now is the Revolution.

Kutagari is bat-shit crazy. A supercomputer?? I don't even listen to him anymore. The sad thing is that there are people that believe him....even at work a buddy of mine is constantly coming up to me talking about the PS3 being a supercomputer and 100,000,000,000 times more powerful than the most powerful gaming rig. And he believes this stuff. He needs many more drones that buy into his crap before he'll be able to sell the PS3 like the PS2 at a price of $400-500. Quite frankly, after the PS2 nonsense, where Kataguri was either a moron or lied through his teeth, I'm not willing to pay over $300 for a Sony console. I don't even know how much footage we've seen has been in-game....they're talking a bit too much, again. If he wants that kind of change...this PS better last 6-8 years before they even dream of another console.

See the interview with Gabe.....a few threads earlier. He said it in there....these companies that blow their specs around and talk themselves up from that aspect are effectivly treating us like morons. I for one don't appreciate it. Another reason I'm more willing to give a company like Nintendo my's all about the games.....and that's all they talk about...ever. I'm not a moron and I don't think most of the people here are either....there's just a whole chunk of people out there that will buy that kind of crap and frankly MS and Sony should be ashamed.
What about that infinium labs console?

What ever happened to that one? haha...
jdufault said:
What about that infinium labs console?

What ever happened to that one? haha...

LOL. That may rank with DNF in my book. Both are vaporriffic....
Instead of buying a 360 right when it comes out (the first few rounds of MS releases are generally shaky at best), I will be spending my money on a PPU for my PC this holiday season, since that is my preferred medium for games. Then I will start saving for a truly next-gen system like the PS3. Or maybe a Revolution if Nintendo's back library is available for the pickins (NES+SNES = best games ever, except for the Lucasarts/Sierra classic PC adventures). Plus, a Revolution will let me play RE4 and have it look as good as possible and also the new Zelda--I'd buy a GC for those two alone if the Rev weren't coming out next year.

The only 360 I would buy is one that has a HD-DVD drive, and then only if that is the accepted next-gen movie format and there are actually some games for it in which I am interested. Revolution aside, I am not tempted by a "next-gen" system that offers current-gen tech. A plain-old DVD drive? Not smart in the long run and you will not make anyone happy by releasing a new version of the console with a new optical drive in it--what happens to your early-adopters then?

Nor have I ever liked the idea of online console gaming, which is one of their biggest selling points, so this system probably isn't for me, but there are plenty of people who are very excited for it and this system should be pretty kick-ass for them!
MS has only had one release. Matter of fact, I have never replaced my XBox or GameCube. I had 3 PS1s and 2 PS2s before giving up on both and demanding my money back. Further I went through seven PSPs before saying to hell with it. Case in point, quality, also, does not allow them to ask for more than $350 for the PS3, at least from my experiences. I don't believe the PS3 will be priced more than an XB360, around $350...they'd get owned. Especially with the Revolution being priced far lower than both and offering a game catalogue that goes back 20 years....Sony would price themselves right out of this generation.

I'm with you fact we share the same plan....a PPU sometime this holiday and a Revolution early next year. :)
heh search here for infinium:

Thats interesting, so this is the end for Infinium Labs?

Thats funny, I always was suspicious of IL, their console was a PC, in a new case, and hooked up to a tv. Their controller with the keyboard/mouse looked more like a torture device than an actual way of playing games.
jdufault said:
Thats interesting, so this is the end for Infinium Labs?

Thats funny, I always was suspicious of IL, their console was a PC, in a new case, and hooked up to a tv. Their controller with the keyboard/mouse looked more like a torture device than an actual way of playing games.

The Tech Specs don't look remotely competitive with the next-gen consoles...A single processor? They better be able to work magic with games...

I think I'm going to go with Revolution. It's about the games and the gaming experience. Nintendo almost always cranks out titles with great reviews, and they have nice long-standing franchises that haven't been toppled to date. Best of all, the hardware is cheap :D
I will be getting 360 and Revolution, just like a got a xbox and gamecube...and it looks like im saving money this way. If the ps3 was anything like what they say it would be capable of it would be cost well over $500 to make, and even at that price they are going to lose a lot of people to the other systems.
Sainku...havn't you learned anything yet?
Microsoft was loosing more than $100 off of each Xbox at one point to compete with prices.

The money is not the console itself but the license fees they charge per copy of the game is the money.
A bit late, but this ought to be a poll so we can see where most people are placing their bets.