PS3 to be the next Dreamcast?


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Developers are steering away from PS3.

BusinessWeek said:
At its autumn games preview on July 13, for instance, traditional Sony ally Electronic Arts spent far more time showing off innovative Nintendo games than it did titles for the PS3

As most of us know EA didn't support the Dreamcast and therefore never released an EA Game/Sports onto the console. As it looks now EA isn't going to be supporting the PS3 and we all know that the Dreamcast failed mostly part of the lack of choices of games. Could the PS3 be the next Dreamcast? What do you guys think?
lol Dreamcast? Lack of games? I fail to see the math, I have a Dreamcast and games for it with loads of variety. The Dreamcast didn't do well because it came out at a bad time and was killed by the 'next gen. consoles' (ps2, xbox, gamecube) because they had more features and better timing.
PS3 would be a must-have for me if it didn't cost 600 freakin dollars. I may have to end up getting one for MGS4, though.

Still, Wii is more appealing to me, if only because of the price.
I think it may drop more than that by 2010, considering the fanbase right now it may just end up being a WHOLE LOT cheaper than that sooner, possibley.
I think it may drop more than that by 2010, considering the fanbase right now it may just end up being a WHOLE LOT cheaper than that sooner, possibley.

in 2008 sony will be like:

"hmm, only 4 people bought a ps3.... I think its $50 too much"
No! The Dreamcast is not dead! :P Games are still released for it to this day. Shame it did die though, damn the PS2 hype.

But you do know that the Dreamcast can do High-Definition don't you? /me finds link...

Dreamcast forever!

I won't be getting a PS3 for quite a while, not until the price has dropped considerably.
I still pick dreamcast over xbox and maybe tied with gamecube
The Sega fanbase had bean beaten to a pulp by the Sony fanbase before the DC came out ... and it is this Sony fanbase that will push sales of the PS3. Chavs, mainly.
The Sega fanbase had bean beaten to a pulp by the Sony fanbase before the DC came out ... and it is this Sony fanbase that will push sales of the PS3. Chavs, mainly.
I agree with bouncing boobs here.

All 3 consoles has massive fanbases so don't expect Sony to cower in fear over a few less customers.

The dreamcast is awesome imo.
Says more EA games, not none. EA would admittedly be a fool not to support the PS3. At worst, EA will merely port games which is enough.
Come one EA, Sony are doing a grand enough job of messing up the PS3 without you guys sticking your oar in too!
Not only is the price stupidly high but take a look at this...

Wow, stealing another idea from the Wii.


Microsoft has some interesting camera things in the works too. They have twin video cameras that can be used to stream video to your game, and also are used to detect 3D movement in-game. That is just the way things are. If you don't compete, you lose by default. If you look at any retail item, there are competing products, from tools, power tools, even nails and screws for example, same for everything, especially in the electronics field.

I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with them saying 15 year old gyro technology is innovated by them (the gyro controller) hell you can do something like that with 40 year old technology - 2 mercury switches (used in thermostats). Not impressed, and I still think it's a useless and gimmicky shameful feature copied from Wii on top of that, that will only contribute to joint pain and agonizing control.
I guess the main selling point of the PS3 is the graphics and a lot of people are still suckers for it.

Oh and btw, I can't see how Chavs will be able to afford a PS3 when they work in McDonalds :)
Actually, comparing the PS3 to the Dreamcast makes me want a PS3 even more because the Dreamcast has some of the best games ever made.

And a lack of EA support really doesn;t bother me at all. EA makes a lot of shite games. I'm more interested in the games coming from Japan, those are the reason to buy a PS3. And if you need examples, just look at the Metal Gear Solid Series, The Devil May Cry series, The Resident Evil series, The Virtua Fighter series, the Soul Calibur series, Katamari Damacy, etc.
Yes, but that means that the PS3 games are just going to be a bunch of sequels?
Yes, but that means that the PS3 games are just going to be a bunch of sequels?
Not at all, there's tons of very innovative, fun Japanese games that came out for PS2, like Mr. Mosquito, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari Damacy, etc.

And besides, most of the major games these days are sequels anyway. It's not like the Wii and X360 aren't loaded with sequels too.
Fact is, most of PS3's titles are expecting a great sale with sequel/prequel/remake titles.

War of the Shadows (prequel to Shadows of the Colossus)
Has anyone else heard the rumor about how PS3 discs may have a code-embedded so they only work on that specific PS3? Basically, that means you can't play rented games, used games, or borrowed games.

That would totally ruin the PS3 for me.
Fact is, most of PS3's titles are expecting a great sale with sequel/prequel/remake titles.

War of the Shadows (prequel to Shadows of the Colossus)
True, but like I said before, so are the Wii and X360.

I mean, the X360 has Halo 3, Fable 2, PGR3, Fight Night Round 3, DOA4, etc.

While the Wii has their Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, etc.

So, yeah, while there are certainly gonna be a lot of them on PS3, they're not the only console doing it, and, sequels aren;t a bad thing by any means, especially if it's a good sequel.
I meant msot of the games that are announced for PS3 are bunch of sequels/prequels/remakes. I still haven't seen many exclusive original titles that are coming out for PS3 other than Resistance: Fall of Man and FF XIII.
Same game title, but completely different game that has no connection to other FF games.