PSP Go Confirmed?

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
3.8" screen
43% lighter than previous version
16 Gig memory
Bluetooth support
Downloads games and movies






It's UMDless, which means you have to download games from PSN onto the PSP Go.
Better shots.





True or not? I'll wait for announcement from Sony guys.
Lack of UMD kinda sucks IMO...
Looks ugly and easy to break.

I wish they just made a good smartphone with PSP capabilities.
With all of the rumors around this, I was really hoping a lot of them were true. I guess such is not the case. Looks like I may just get that new iPhone (32GB?) after all.

No UMD is a great move though. It ate the shit out of your battery's life and was a general nuisance. I just hope they have a system in place where you can download for free any of the games you currently own on UMD. Otherwise, this is a cruel and thoughtless business decision.

Hopefully there is much we have not heard about regarding it though. My big wants are:

Internet capability
Touch Screen

I just want al all-in-one device damnit!!!
Why can't we have 2 analog sticks?? come on Sony think dammit!! give us what we want all ready!!
What happened to the next PSP having a touchscreen?
When this comes out, how much do you think the old PSPs will be?
I'll stick with my homebrewed PSP. I absolutely love it for films on the go, and PS1 games. Crash Team Racing ftw.
Doesn't look at all tempting.

I'll pass.
I've always wanted to get a psp and haven't got one yet so I will be getting this come xmas.

Also is this possibly the worst kept secret in the industry this generation?

BTW what are people to do with their umd games?

EDIT: what about games that aren't on the PS store yet like GTA or MGS. I don't own any umd games so I won't have wasted any money but they can't just leave people with useless games, that would be a huge mistake.
The biggest problem with the psp was the lack of second analogue stick. If they had implemented that it would have been my favourite console but thanks to sony not even a simple game like half life could be possible. I think i will wait for an xbox portable. That would be sick.
The biggest problem with the psp was the lack of second analogue stick. If they had implemented that it would have been my favourite console but thanks to sony not even a simple game like half life could be possible. I think i will wait for an xbox portable. That would be sick.

You can make one yourself.
:laugh: That's huge.

The PSP Go is ugly as sin. Count me out.