psp vs ds?


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
don't worry, its not another 'proper' debate, just this:

think that really sums up what most gaming communities(especially this one) have gone through.

the only question, which one of the mods would be grandpa?
nice one, :P

look at the ign new atricle for today psp vs ds,
Funny comic... although I just don't understand why people compare th DS to the PSP ... the DS wasnt even built to go up against the PSP ... the PSP is in a class of it's own.
lePobz said:
Funny comic... although I just don't understand why people compare th DS to the PSP ... the DS wasnt even built to go up against the PSP ... the PSP is in a class of it's own.

Exactly my point. The only valid point anyone comparing DS to a PSP is that they're both handheld gaming systems, but that's where the similarities end basically. For another $100 I want a shitload of features, and that's what the PSP delivers. I am no longer going to be picking sides in any versus debates, but rather analyzing both combatants for their pros and cons, for I feel my days of being a fanboy of any company is over. I'll now have to start voicing my negative views on some of my more favorite companies' products.
I like to think I am innocent in this debate.

I DO debate which is better, because I may or may not want to buy one of them, but I remain sitting on the fence, even when my decision is final, no matter how much better I think one or the other is.
I read that comic... If you look at my profile pitcure it would kinda say i'm a fan of VGCats.

But anyway, if this was a *ahem* 'proper debate' then I would go for PSP. Only because I have been a playstation person.
if this whas a.. *Cough* "proper debate" then I would laugh at you argue over your...psp.