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Im going on a cruise in europe on friday. Im talking an 8 hour flight to port in barsalona. I was thinking about getting a psp for the trip. Does anyone have one? Are they fun? Are the games good? Is it worth it for $200?

Sorry but i didnt know where to post this
note- this was the last place you should have posted such a thing, think kind of question really dosent even belong on at"]"] would better suite this kind of question.

A psp is undoutably an awesome gadget for any one seeking entertainment... but for games... no, if your looking for a hand held with fun games look in to the nintendo DS or DS light. I've had my PSP for quite a while now and i hardly ever use it and when i do I usually only use it for music becuase i dont have an mp3 player. plus the $200 you spend on just the PSP wont get you much entertainment at all. when i went to get mine in spent $350 on the psp core pack, daxter used, 1 Gig memory stick, head phones with remote, and warranty. Despite the lack of good games the psp is great for videos, I have no problem just sitting back and watching a whole movie on my psp. The internet browser is almost pointless with the exception of newgrounds/ If your still interested in getting a psp look for game such as Daxter, Syfon Filter, and Solcom. Im currently waiting for a few game to release, i hope there good becuase I've yet to find a game that i can play more then once. Loco Roco looks awesome, I also waiting for Gran Turismo 4 mobile and Ratchet and Clank: size matters. Im also waiting for the PSX emulator update for it ( god knows when thats gonna happen ) becuase I really want to play Tony Hawk Pro skater 2 on it. but... I'd say its good... but not right now... it still needs a lot of things before it can be a good hand held gaming system. for fun games... go for DS or DS light... for an all over media player ( can only be with good memory stick ) go for psp.. this is really means a lot coming from a sony fan.
If you want to use it for games, then get the DS light.

Unless you're a racist, then the PSP white might suite you well.

And I have the distinct feeling of a certain guy who's going to post here...
half life 1 for psp would be awsome! VALVE!!! IF YOUR READING THIS!!! MAKE HALF LIFE 1 FOR PSP! I'LL BUY IT!!! JUST MAKE IT!!! or if some one could make a home brew/ hack for it that would the awsome too.
I'm sorry, any game that requires an analog stick, especially a first-person shooter, does not belong on the PSP. I tried playing GTA on my friend's PSP and it was terrible.

Anyway, I'm a huge DS fanboy, I'd say get that. There are plenty of great games with great lastability, not to mention a multitude of great games coming out in the near-future-ish. The only game coming out for the PSP that I'm remotely interested in is MGS: Portable Ops.
I'd say get a DS too. They're awesome fun and there's some pretty awesome games out and comming out.