PSU Started to smoke


Nov 18, 2004
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My older computer started to smoke, I belive out of the PSU. First it turned off completely on its own, then I replugged The power cable and I turned it back on, After that it started to smoke not long after. It set off the alarm and it smelt really bad, Like melted plastic or somthing. I opened it up and i didn't notice anything damaged, But I'm certain it had to have been the PSU. Anyone had this happen? Do you think it was the PSU?
I don't know, but for the love of god don't turn it on again :O
If your PC smokes then I would seriously not advise you turn it on. That's just common sense... :|

If you can't see any scortch marks on the inside of your PC then take out your PSU and take a closer look through the grills with a torch or something and see if you can see any scortch marks. Also check to see if it smells.

If it is your PSU then theres nothing you can do with it.
Yeah, I'm gonna take it in. Fortunatly I bought it from CompUSA and it has a warranty, I can get the PSU replaced for free.
Your PSU started to smoke? Put it into ****ing rehab!

In all seriousness... that doesnt sound good.
I had that once. But I had plugged a 220V into a PSU set for 110V so it may not count.
I meant that I plugged my computer into a 220V socket when it was set to 110V.
Ren.182 said:
If your PC smokes then I would seriously not advise you turn it on. That's just common sense... :|

If you can't see any scortch marks on the inside of your PC then take out your PSU and take a closer look through the grills with a torch or something and see if you can see any scortch marks. Also check to see if it smells.

If it is your PSU then theres nothing you can do with it.

torch = flashlight
If it smells like an electrical fire, chances are it's shot. Go and buy a 500w Ultra PSU: best you can get, and well-priced too! :thumbs:
I say plug it in and try it one more time- just to be sure. Take pics as well to help us diagnose this problem for you. Load up a stress test, because sometimes a problem won't appear when you need it to, to show someone. Finally, are you sure it was smoke you could smell? Was your Mum cooking?

Lol- I hope you can check that no other hardware was damaged before you send the PSU back, or you could be sending back parts one at a time for replacement.