Psychadelic PC: Oh noes, artefacts!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Right. My friend Suicide 42 has a big problem with his PC:


See what I mean? Now, I know that these are 'artefacts'. I just don't know what the hell that actually means. My computer, I remember, did this ages ago when it overheated and the motherboard exploded (doesn't bode well, hmm?)

Anyway, does anyone know what the hell this is and how to fix it? I have a suspicion something in his computer has gone fatally 'pop'.
i want that computer, it's like those pictures with all the dots and lines and you're supposed to look through it to see the picture... sadly i cannot help cause i know jack about computers

if he has an old vid card, swap them around and see if it is same problem

start in safe mode, which is in vga, might be able to see what he is doing better and trouble shoot
Yeah...sounds like overheating. Try leaving the side panel off and see if that helps. If it artifacts again feel the vid card and see if it is really hot. If it is then get some more fans and/or upgrade the vid card fan(if you can).
I've been getting that recently, so I just opened up my case and started up a filtered housefan I have. No extra dust, nice'n'cool, albeit loud. I also got that when I got a bad run of some dr00g5.
My comp did that smae thing. It turned out it was the mobo, and when I replaced it everything was gravy.
I'm not convinced it's heat. That pic is at the desktop. Not exactly computing-intensive. Joims had some good suggestions.

psyno said:
I'm not convinced it's heat. That pic is at the desktop. Not exactly computing-intensive. Joims had some good suggestions.


If it's hot enough, anything the video card will spit out will be ****ed, be it UE3 or Pong.
jondyfun said:
If it's hot enough, anything the video card will spit out will be ****ed, be it UE3 or Pong.

Yeh I agree with that. Although other parts of the card can be damaged and it will still be ok on teh desktop. My mate somehow managed to bugger his 9800pro when he was fitting an arctic cooler silencer. He damaged the memory and it seemed fine when he was on teh desktop, but when he entered a game, it appeared to be knackered, so you should see if you can check out any other faults with the card like damaged memory etc.
well i have seen gpu's where the fan bearing have seized up from dust and still perform fine(allbeit, an mx4000) and ive had that screen before, all it needed was a reinstall of the video driver.