Public Apology directed at the Community.

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Hey everybody,this will most likely be lost of those stupid clone accounts,So before Pi or Badger or whoever klick the ban button I would like to apologize for pissing some of you off for the last 2 years.For being "anti Semitic" I know I said alot of mean stuff...racist comments and crap like that.
Im sorry If I hurt anyones feeling with those comments,I hope you can accept my apology.
I know alot of you think I must be some kind of Neo Nazi,since Im half german and all.But I can assure you I aint.sadly I have to admit..I think I'm being kinda influenced by my Family here in the States...In Germany I was more tolerate Thats for sure,I starting to go back to College soon again. )(Fall Semester)but fot now I work at a Subway as some of you might now. and I am the 1 out of 2 white dudes that work there :p,I think I have truly come to see That we are actually a;; the same,it you can be a jackass If you are black or white,I see white ass holes and black assholes colour doesnt really matter I guess,even thoe of course There are differences in cultures I guess we are all, human.Also I have a crush on this girl at work,she's black or whatever you want to call it, so that speaks volumes :p.Concerning the Holecaust......Almost every single day when I see a post by Baxter, I read his made me think,and "research a little....I guess what it comes down That I am wrong,same stupid thing like those 9/11 conspiarcy people...just a bunch of stuff Internet "make belive" for whatever reason I belived it for a while...but then I was to pussy to admit..I was wrong.maybe more then 6miliion people died.In the name of my country,I guess I posted this stuff,cuz I was upset how, in School Teachers tryed make us feel bad and stuff,Thats why I probably brought this up in the Forum.Im sure you can unerstand That I think WW2 isn't my fault,hell not even my Grandpa really did anything except be in the Hitler youth and sing songs all day lol.(That what he told me they did lol)
Ok concerning the clown photo of my mother >.<
First off all yes that picture really is my mother sadly...but alot you seem to forget That she was only wearing that silly costume because it was Fasching which is like
a Christian version of Halloween kinda...she works in a Kinder Garden so I guess like every year the staff wears costumes,my mom wwas wearing a clown costume big deal.What I totally didnt like his People like Mecha editing that picture and making my mother looking like a Holocaust denier,thats not cool at all dude.
I have to admit that did make me kinda upset.
Ok got that off my chest,now my last point.
Me on the Politics board!
Argh I now thats where I truly screwed up.
I guess sometimes I disagree with people then kinda get mad and post without thinking.say mean/offending stuff
Thats why I would again like to apologize to people That I made mad/called them names,
Stern etc....
Well thats all really...I know as soon as I post this at least one person is going to say something mean or post a pic of my mom or whatever....I;ll try to restrain myself
Again this was a public apology to the community.

I ran this thrue spell check,hope its readble.
It's good that you know what you have done-- really worth banning. And your typing is quite a mess. Spelling, grammar and punctuation problems.

And WWII really isn't your fault. That was a sudden craziness of German. (Not racism, that is firstly posted by Sigmund Freud. Every nation may have the same phenomenon) After that period of time gone, German backed to normal. So WWII has nothing to do with you.

Try to beg, see whether the mods will consider not to ban you.
bbson_john said:
It's good that you know what you have done-- really worth banning. And your typing is quite a mess. Spelling, grammar and punctuation problems.

And WWII really isn't your fault. That is a sudden craziness of German. (Not racism, that is firstly posted by Sigmund Freud. Every nation may have the same phenomenon) All that period of time gone, German back to normal. So WWII has nothing to do with you.

Try to beg, see whether the mods will consider not to ban you.

Of course I know, WW2 isnt my fault...Im just saying that what MY school atleast tryed make us feel like that.

argh Jondy not funny :p
well.guess that I already know that, and also you already said that so...
Have you ever try to put the passage into Microsoft Word? It's terribly typed.
"I've changed" doesn't alter the numerous past transgressions that you were banned for.
Some peoples posts are so inane and retarded my brain automatically filters that invididual out. They are viewed as a creature who has barely attained self awareness and any attempts to converse at a human level are written off as an accident.

But hope is not lost, there is still room for your mind to grow Lemon. Climb the ladder of evolution!
For what it's worth. I sure forgive you, although you never said anything mean to me, your views were pretty sickening. But change is good.
Solaris said:
For what it's worth. I sure forgive you, although you never said anything mean to me, your views were pretty sickening. But change is good.

That`s fair enough, and true.

Nice to have a non-flame-fest with people for a change.. it`s so annoying to read a flame.
Pi Mu Rho set Lemonking up the banhammer!!


For what it's worth, I'm enough of a softie to feel a little bad about him continuing to be banned after posting this, but I also am not a hundred percent about the veracity of this statement - he lied about spellcheck, god knows what else, after all - and unfortunately, an apology and statement of how you've changed isn't enough to get you unbanned when you've got a list of reasons twenty feet long to be so.
Holy crap! If you are going to type something like that at least break it down into paragraphs. You know those things that you learned about in school (No offense if you did not go to school :D) that are between 5 and 8 sentences and that you have to hit enter 2 times the indent.
Indeed, bye lemon.

Edit - What the hell? first time ive been sigged i think, meh.

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