Public Speaking


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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How do you feel about speaking in public? Have you ever made a speech in front of lots of people you didn't know? Got any interesting stories about your public speaking experiences? Share them.

I've given a few and really enjoy the feeling before hand, a few months ago I had to give one at a conference about racial relations in Burnley, as I am elected as member of youth parliament for Burnley. Its really little more than a title, but people think I'm important so it's fun. Anyway I was the only person their who wasn't like in their 30's, I didn't know anyone really except for a youth worker their, who was annoyed at me for not sending him my speach ahead of the conference for him to check.

Anyway my speech was about my work with the youth council and youth parliament, I did quite well and it lasted about 3 minutes. Wonderful experience.
I freeze up if I have to speak in public to a large crowd.
I dont :P I find it really easy for some reason.
HATE it. Really sucks when you happen to have a massive boner at that moment. :hmph:
I find it to be one of the easiest social situations of all, as it's a scripted and planned event which I am in control of. It's a feeling of security lacking from an ordinary interaction, in a way.
I am an excellent public speaker. Even if I don't give a shit about what I'm speaking about, or have no idea what I'm talking about, I still make it out to be the most damn emotional speech, a regular getysburg adress.

Once I was giving a speech on "assisted suicide", but the question was worded oddly, and I thoguht it meant, "your friend killing you for you" as in, you wanted to commit suicide, but had your friend do it, but it was actually about doctors helping people commit suicide.

Anyway, the speech was complete bullshit, but it was emotional and everyone applauded, and then someone whispered to me, "it meant the assisted suicide by doctors"...and I got extremely embarrassed.

Normally I'm a very quiet guy, and I don't often speak to other people in conversations unless its important, but damnit I can give a speech.
My highschool had this day where they held their "extemporaneous speech contest". The day was random, nobody knew about. The whole school filed into our auditorium (300 people) and they chose 10 people, and gave them two minutes to prepare a 5 minute speech on a topic they were given. I had to give one about our dorm cleanliness, which is a joke because everybody knows we were the dirtiest dorm on campus.

We also had to memorize a speech (5 minutes +) and then deliver it in front of the class, then out of each class they chose somebody to deliver it in front of the school.

We had a few other small things, but my school was big on public speaking.
I enjoy it, its not too bad....especially when giving speech's to aliens made of bacon from roasted carbon fish trees.
I don't like public speaking and it makes me nervous but in general I don't mind it.
I've been in theater plays infront of 700 people but that was a walk in the park since the spotlights are right in you eyes so you can't see the people :)

I have no problem to speak infront of people, it's something I like to do.
If I could just say a few words ....

... i'd be a better public speaker!
I don't care much about speaking in public anymore, I got to my senior year in high school and for some reason it's not a problem anymore
I'm pretty good at it. I guess it's because I've been singing in front of large groups of people for a while.
I'm raelly good with speaking in front of people. Just, I don't like reciting stuff, because I ususally can't remember it too well.
Public Speaking scares the crap out of me. I feel confident but I get up there and I just loose my sense of place and my thread and it just doesn't work.
I used to freeze up if I had to give a speech type thing to a large group of people, but I never froze up when I'm giving instructions. For example, when I ran for school president when I was in the 6th grade, I froze mid-speech, and a few awkward seconds passed before I managed to speak again. I'm better at giving speeches to smaller groups, say, a classroom.

However, when I was picked as the squad leader (translated directly) in SO, I had to give instructions on where to get to and the time to gather to about 200 people, I did it just fine.

I used to write some good speeches, but could never do them myself. :/
It's feels natural for me, the only time I feel any butterflies is the moment right before your turn, when you have doubts about what you wrote. I've been told a few times that I'm a pretty good public speaker, but since I can't watch myself in 3rd person I'll just have to take their word for it.

My friend on the otherhand... hehe, well at least he writes better than I do so it's a tradeoff. :p
I had a bad experience with screwing up in front of a lot of people once. Before that I was pretty good and didn't really mind, but to this day I'm still trying to get over that experience.
Depends what i have to talk about, if it's something interesting i'm pretty good at it.

I've embarrassed myself in front of lots of people before however.
Breakdancing in front of the whole school and i wasn't great at it or anything.............
Every week in my music class we have a "Playing Test" where we have to stand in front of the class (about 25 people) and play half a page of music, I dunno if that counts as public speaking, but it's 50 times worse then public speaking, especially if you mess up.